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The light is deviated from a straight line or "bends" towards the normal on entering the glass and then away from the normal on leaving the glass. At certain angles the light undergoes dispersion - so that different wavelengths are deviated at different angles - and colours are separated - pure white light will separate into the spectrum.

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11y ago

The white light splits into a spectrum.the original colors will appear. This is referred as REFRACTION.

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Q: Describe what will happen when the ray is shone at the glass block?
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The light will pass straight through the glass block if shone perpendicularly, without getting refracted or bent due to the change in medium.

What will happen when a ray of light is shone at a glass block?

When a ray of light is shone at a glass block, it will refract (bend) as it enters the glass due to the change in the speed of light in the material. The light will then travel through the glass block, possibly reflecting off the surfaces inside, and refract again as it exits the block.

What happens when light is shone into a glass block?

the answer is that i dont know you fool

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it will make a rainbow on the wall

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you see yourself and realize what an idiot you are for even thinking of this question

What will happen when the light ray is shone at a glass block?

When a light ray enters a glass block, it will be refracted or bent due to the change in speed as it moves from one medium (air) to another (glass). This bending is caused by the change in the optical density of the two materials. The degree of bending depends on the angle at which the light ray enters the glass block.

What happens when a ray shone at a glass block?

The white light splits into a spectrum.the original colors will appear. This is referred as REFRACTION.

What happened when a ray of light is shone at a glass block?

It all depends on the angle if incidence. In general the light will refract i.e. bend through the glass and come out at the other end. Also, the speed of light will vary through the glass.

What is happens when light is shone into a glass?

the answer is that i dont know you fool

What will happen when the ray is shone at the mirror?

it will reflect

Is shone an adjective?

Yes, "shone" is the past tense of the verb "shine." It can also be used as an adjective to describe something that emits or reflects light.

What will happen when a ray of light is shone at a glass prism?

When a ray of light is shone at a glass prism, it will refract as it enters the prism, then undergo total internal reflection if the angle of incidence is greater than the critical angle, and finally refract again as it exits the prism. This results in the dispersion of light into its component colors due to differences in the refractive indices for different wavelengths.