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When the models are not shown a person will not be able to know if there are any hydrogen atoms between them. If the models are shown a person will be able to know the answer.

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Q: Did any of the models have a hydrogen atom between two carbon atom Why or Why not?
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What is the difference between the isotope of carbon and hydrogen?

There are many differences between a hydrogen atom and a carbon atom. Most importantly, the number of protons and electrons within the atom. This is what gives atom's their characteristics. Hydrogen is a gas at room temperature, while carbon is a solid at room temperature.

What are the elements and numbers of ch4?

It has 4 Hydrogen atoms.It has one carbon atom.

How do you separate carbon atom from hydrogen atom?

You balance them.

Is bonding of four hydrogen atoms and one carbon atom ionic or covalent?

Covalent. The elctronegativity (the ability of an atom to attract electrons) difference between Hydrogen and Carbon is not enough that carbon will completely strip an electron from the hydrogen. Instead, the Carbon pulls on the shared electron just a little bit more than the hydrgen does, creating a covalent bond between them.

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What is the difference between a hydrogen atom and atomic hydrogen?

The difference between a hydrogen atom and atomic hydrogen is that the "hydrogen atom" represents one atom of the chemical element hydrogen. Atomic hydrogen are isolated hydrogen atoms.

Why can't a hydrogen atom be between two carbon atoms?

QUITE SIMPLE, REASON : carbon atom does not have vacant D-ORBITAL.

What type of bond is predicted to form between a carbon atom and a hydrogen atom?

A covalent bond due to the fact that they are both non-metals

What kind of bond is made between a carbon atom and a hydrogen atom?

They will form a covalent bond, which means they will share electrons to achieve noble gas electron configuration. Carbon and hydrogen combine in many different ways, thanks to carbon's chemical versatility and hydrogen's high reactivity.

How many hydrogen atom can bond to a singl carbon atom?


What type of bond will be formed between 1 carbon and 4 hydrogen's atom's?

The bonds in methane are covalent.

What type of bond joins carbon atom to each of the hydrogen atoms?

A single (nonpolar) covalent joins the carbon atom to each of the hydrogen atoms.