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light coloured candles do burn faster than darker coloured candles for one main reason. The darker the candle, the more dye molecules are involved in the candle which are non-flammable. Therefore, the lighter the candle, the less dye molecules are involved minimising the risk of the dye molecules interfering with the combustion process.

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no the just have different color pigmentations.

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Q: Do lighter colored candles have more wax then darker colored one?
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What is the dependent variable of do colored candles or white candles burn faster?

All else being held constant - the dependent variable is the composition of the chemical(s) used to color the colored candles. Some additives will speed burning because they are themselves flammable. Some will slow burning because they are less flammable. Some will cause the melting point of the wax to be depressed so that the wax melts quicker - and as it melts and drains away, the candle will burn faster. A more critical factor in reality though is that colored candles are usually made with a different composition than white candles to make it easier to color them. Not only do they contain something to give them color - the composition of the wax the color is added to is different as well. Once you change the basic composition of the candle that much it is tough to compare the candles. It becomes like trying to compare burning oak to burning pine. Yeah - they are similar but you really are not burning the same thing and you don't expect them to burn at the same rate. By controlling the composition of the wax, you can make candles burn faster or slower - without respect to what color they are or if they have no color at all (assuming you don't call white a color).

Does burning candles clear a smoky room?

no because if there are candles more smoke come.I hope that answered your question :)Answered by:PeaceLove2622

Does the color of crayon affect it's melting rate?

The answer to this question most likely has to do with the albedo of crayon (wax, charcoal, etc). Albedo is the extent to which an object diffusely reflects light from light sources, measured as a ratio. The lower the albedo, the more light/energy is absorbed into the object. Since darker colored objects absorb more energy, the albedo of a darker crayon is probably lower than the albedo of a lighter crayon. This means the darker crayon, while absorbing more energy, will heat up faster than the lighter crayon.This is why snow around a tree typically melts much faster and earlier than snow with nothing around it -- because of the tree bark's albedo is much lower than snow/ice and thus can absorb more energy faster, and heat up whatever is around it quicker.

What colour attracts the sun?

Colors do not "attract" heat. The heat is already present in the light around the area. The color either absorbs or reflects the light. Black absorbs the most. White reflects the most. The darker the color is, the more light/heat it absorbs.

Does dark skin and not just dark colors attract more light and cause warmth?

Dark and light surface's gain heat through the absorption of radiation. Light that would normally bounce for a light colored surface, say yellow, is absorbed by a darker color, say purple. The extra energy that is absorbed by the darker surface causes an increased temperature when compared to one another. Skin as the surface has no bearing on the process.

Related questions

Do lighter colored candles burn out faster then darker colored candles.....?

no the coloring does not matter only the quality of the candle really matters no also because darker the candle more heat it obsorbs from the fire

Why does colored candles burn faster than white candles?

because the darker the color the more light-waves it takes in. Therefore the regular temperature of the candle will increase. darker colored candles would burn faster

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Yes darker color dresses always work better to hide fat.

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Darker clothes absorb more heat than lighter colored ones

Do white candles burn faster than colored candles facts?

Actually, The Colored candles faster. The colored candles filled with variety color metter which absobe the more heat, of which keep the candles easily hot and burn.

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Lighter colors reflect more light. Darker colors absorb more light. Sunlight is energy. You feel warmth when the sun shines on you because you are absorbing the energy of the sunlight. Darker colors absorb more energy so get warmer than lighter colors ------------------- Just like this answer ^^, dark colors do absorb more heat than lighter colors. Question is, I'm not really sure why.

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Do colored candles burn faster than light colored candles?

Yes, because they have more chemicals which burn faster

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