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No, the scientific method can be uncontrolled to for it to be valid.

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Q: Does scientific method have to be controlled in order to be valid?
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Does Pseudoscience follow the scientific method?

No it does not, but it pretends to to make you think that what it is saying is valid.

What is true controlled experiments produce valid data valid experiments produce controlled data controlled data produces valid experiments?

With controlled experiments it is taken into consideration what possible variables there could be and it is taken into account when conducting the experiment. This would mean that controlled experiments would produce more valid data.

How do you define theory?

In the general, every day sense of the word a theory is a supposition, a hunch or a speculation. It is unproven.A Scientific Theory is completely different from an every day theory. A scientific theory summarizes a hypothesis that has been supported with repeated testing and with facts that can be observed and/or measured. With that support a hypothesis moves to the next step in the scientific method and becomes accepted as a valid explanation of a phenomenon. Facts are the framework for the scientific method and a Scientific Theory is supported by facts.

What is a scientic theory?

A scientific theory summarizes a hypothesis or group of hypotheses that have been supported with repeated testing. If enough evidence accumulates to support a hypothesis, it moves to the next step; known as a theory; in the scientific method and becomes accepted as a valid explanation of a phenomenon.

What must a scientific theory have to be valid?

when it is consistent with observation

Related questions

Why is it important to repeat any scientific method?

to make sure its valid

Does Pseudoscience follow the scientific method?

No it does not, but it pretends to to make you think that what it is saying is valid.

How is the steps of the scientific method like a recipe?

The steps of the scientific method are like a recipe because they provide a systematic way to follow in order to achieve a desired outcome - in this case, to answer a scientific question or solve a problem. Just like following a recipe ensures a successful dish, following the steps of the scientific method helps ensure reliable and valid results in scientific research.

Only problems that are observable measurable repeatable and falsifiable can be proved or disproved using the scientific method?

Yes, that's correct. The scientific method relies on empirical evidence obtained through observations and experimentation. The results must be measurable, repeatable, and falsifiable in order to be considered scientifically valid. Anything that falls outside of these criteria cannot be proven or disproven through the scientific method.

What is a hypothesis that has been tested over and over again?

A scientific theory is a hypothesis that has been repeatedly tested and still seems to be valid. These theories are tested by using the scientific method.

Why do psychologist use the scientific method?

Psychologists use the scientific method to gather empirical evidence, test hypotheses, and draw conclusions based on data. It helps ensure that their findings are reliable, valid, and replicable, contributing to the credibility and advancement of the field.

What is true controlled experiments produce valid data valid experiments produce controlled data controlled data produces valid experiments?

With controlled experiments it is taken into consideration what possible variables there could be and it is taken into account when conducting the experiment. This would mean that controlled experiments would produce more valid data.

What is the basic way in which psychology differs from false sciences?

Psychology is a valid scientific field that uses empirical evidence and the scientific method to study human behavior and mental processes. False sciences lack empirical evidence, do not adhere to the scientific method, and often make unverifiable claims about human behavior or cognition.

If scientists tried to repeat thomson's method and found out that they could not would thomson's conclusion still have been valid?

No, if scientists were unable to replicate Thomson's method, his conclusion would not necessarily still be considered valid. Replicability is a fundamental aspect of the scientific method, and if others cannot reproduce his results, it may cast doubt on the validity of his original findings.

What is the valid method for disabling a session?

In order to dispose of a session that is no longer needed, you can call the invalidate() method of the HttpServlet class. Assuming you have an instance of HttpServlet called 'session' you would do this: session.invalidate();

How do you define theory?

In the general, every day sense of the word a theory is a supposition, a hunch or a speculation. It is unproven.A Scientific Theory is completely different from an every day theory. A scientific theory summarizes a hypothesis that has been supported with repeated testing and with facts that can be observed and/or measured. With that support a hypothesis moves to the next step in the scientific method and becomes accepted as a valid explanation of a phenomenon. Facts are the framework for the scientific method and a Scientific Theory is supported by facts.

Any method of scientific investigation is accepted on the basis of?

Its ability to generate reliable and valid results, adhere to ethical standards, and be subject to peer review and replication by other researchers.