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Q: During the Elizabethan era disease and disasters were often blamed on?
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During Shakespeare's time people blamed disasters on what?

As the word suggests, one popular theory for the reason for disasters was Astrology. The stars (Latin: astra) were wrong, and so bad things happened. The word "disaster" comes from dis+astra.

Who did people blame during the plague?

They blamed almost anyone who was different in any way. They blamed the Jews, they blamed foreign traders, they even blamed foul smelling AIR for the disease! Many laid the blame on the sins of the people, believing that the plague was a punishment sent by God for their sins.

Why would you be hesitant to report a sickness during primitive times?

Early on, sickness and disease were often blamed on supernatural forces. You might get cast out.

What group was sometimes blamed when an out break of a disease occurred?

the lords

The chariots of angry gods were once blamed for what?

The chariots of angry gods were once blamed for natural disasters such as thunderstorms, earthquakes, and floods by ancient civilizations who believed these events were caused by divine wrath and punishment.

Who did the egyptians blame when disease struck?

they blamed the pharaoh

What group was sometimes blamed when an outbreak of a disease occured in medieval Europe?

The Jews were the ones who got blamed for outbreaks of diseases. People accused them of poisoning the wells. Which is not true.

Why do you think Jewish pogroms and the Flagellant Movement arose during the Black Death in Europe?

The Jewish population was blamed for the plague, but the plague came in on ships from Asia. The rats carried the fleas that had the disease.

What group was sometimes blamed when an outbreak of a disease occurred?

Jewish people often were blamed for horible causes in the Medieval times

What diseases did Josiah strong blame On immigrants?

Strong blamed immigrants for carrying Tuberculosis disease.

Who should be blamed for the occurrence of harmful effects of cyclones floods?

There is no one to blame for these events themselves, but in terms of the vulnerability of populations at risk and the responses to these disasters - that would be federal governments.

The Aswan High Dam was blamed for an outbreak of schistosomiasis in what country where it stopped the droughts that once stopped the disease?
