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A testable problem is one that has an answer that can be discovered, given the budget.

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14y ago
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14y ago

It matters what the subject is. If it is math, than say: 5x3-4. It also matters what grade you're in.

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14y ago

If an object is unsupported, will it fall?

If chocolate is heated, will it melt?

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14y ago

Well guys the best question i know about plants is- Does changing the amount of light affects the growth rate of plants?

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9y ago

A testable question means a question that can be tested using an experiment. The experiment will help to answer the question.

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11y ago

1. doesnt ask why

2. spific

3. no opinions

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12y ago

*Why is the ocean salty?*

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Q: Examples of testable questions for science?
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Why science answer some questions but not others?

Science answers testable questions, some questions are not testable.

What kind of questions can science anwser?

Testable questions.

What type of questions are not testable using the scientific method?

Questions that are not testable or repeatable.

What are some non teastable questions?

Here are some examples of non-testable questions: 🌟 What is the meaning of life? Are we living in a simulation? Does true love exist? What happens after we die?

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How can testable questions be answered?

By experiment.

Why is pseudo science not considered real science?

It is something that is not testable, whereas science is!

Why science can answer questions but not others?

Science can answer only questions that are testable. That means there must be a test you can perform to show whether a hypothesis is false or whether it is consistent with the data. So you need data, you need a method, and you need the technology to do the required testing. Religion and science are different because religious concepts aren't testable. They are based on faith, which is acceptance of a claim despite the evidence, or lack of it. Science is just the reverse: it is the acceptance of a claim only if the evidence warrants it.

Are all questions testable?

Not all questions are testable. Some questions may involve theoretical concepts or personal opinions that cannot be easily measured or proven through testing.

What are two examples of questions that science can answer?

two examples that scince can answer is why is the weather changing in why is the world changing

Can science answer all of the questions that can be asked?

I think scientist can't answer all of the questions. Einstein estimated; "we don't yet understand 1,000th of 1% of what nature has revealed to us." That's probably an exaggeration as most of what we THINK we know is at best incomplete and much is quite wrong.

Science can say nothing about the validity of nonscientific practices that do not make testable predictions?

While science cannot directly test the validity of nonscientific practices, it can investigate claims that are testable within the framework of science. If a practice makes testable predictions that can be empirically evaluated, then science can provide evidence for or against its effectiveness. However, if a practice does not make testable predictions or is based on beliefs that lie outside the realm of science, then science cannot provide direct validation or refutation.