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Q: From which language did most of the terms for the body's organs originate?
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Where did slang terms come from?

they are simply an evolution of the english language. they didnt really originate anywhere...

How did the and symbol originate?

This is called an ampersand and a corruption of the terms "and per se". It entered the language in 1837. It is not really from Ampere writings as some people say.

What terms refers to useless organs supposedly left from evolution?

Vestigial organs is the term referring to useless organs left from evolution.

What is terms of little organs within the cell?

they, are plantes

What terms describes academic language?

Two terms that describe academic language are formal and proper.

Where does the term for Ginn spirits originate?

Both words originate from greek or latin words, as most english words do. Also, they originate from older slang terms from even back to the medival times.

What is the differentiate between the processes of photosynthesis and respiration in terms?

photosynthesis is the growing stage of a plant and respiration is the human bodys breathing system i hope this answer is okay

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The Romanian language is a Latin (Romanic) language.

Where did the word ballet originate and where?

I am guessing France since all the ballet terms are french.

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RLA in eletrical terms is Reading Language Arts.

What are all the language arts terms that start with l?

Literacy, leading question and limerick are language arts terms. They begin with the letter l.

What explains technical terms or translate terms on a map of a foreign area where the terms used or not English?

A key is a place on a map that explains terms when the language is not in the mother language. The key can also help to distinguish things like roads and boundaries.