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water (hydrostatics) and nutrients are controled by the cell membrane, which utilizes energy to maintain the concentration differentials. Temperature control is only found in higher animals (mammals and birds) and is managed by brown fat which has unusually high concentrations of mitocondral in their cells. Mitocondria are concerned with the manufacture of ADP the chief energy storage compound of nearly all life.

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Q: How an organism maintains its internal body conditions such as temperature and amount of water and nutrients?
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Is your internal and external body temperature differ?

Yes, the internal body temperature is usually around 98.6°F (37°C) and remains relatively stable, while the external body temperature can vary depending on the environmental conditions. The body maintains internal temperature through mechanisms like sweating or shivering to adjust to changes in the surroundings.

Is sweating an homeostasis?

No, sweating is a mechanism by which a body maintains internal temperature homeostasis.

How an organism maintains its internal conditions such as temperature and amount of water and nutrients?

water (hydrostatics) and nutrients are controled by the cell membrane, which utilizes energy to maintain the concentration differentials. Temperature control is only found in higher animals (mammals and birds) and is managed by brown fat which has unusually high concentrations of mitocondral in their cells. Mitocondria are concerned with the manufacture of ADP the chief energy storage compound of nearly all life.

Does the brain regulate body temperature hunger and other internal conditions?

Yes, the brain does regulate body temperature, hunger and other internal conditions. The specific part of the brain that does this is the hypothalamus.

What two internal body conditions effect enzyme activity?

temperature and pH

How does an organism maintain a stable internal temperature what is the process called?

An organism maintains a stable internal temperature through a process called thermoregulation. This process involves mechanisms such as sweating or shivering to adjust body temperature in response to external conditions. For example, in humans, sweating helps to cool the body down when it gets too hot, while shivering generates heat to warm the body up when it is cold.

What is a wolf's homeostasis?

A wolf's homeostasis refers to the internal balance it maintains to survive and function properly. This includes regulating body temperature, blood pressure, and other physiological processes within a stable range despite changes in the external environment. Wolves have evolved mechanisms to adapt to various conditions and maintain their internal equilibrium.

What is the control internal conditions?

Control of internal conditions refers to the ability of an organism to regulate and maintain stable internal environments despite external changes. This process is known as homeostasis and involves mechanisms such as temperature regulation, pH balance, and maintaining proper levels of nutrients and oxygen in the body. Examples include sweating to cool down the body when it's hot or shivering to generate heat when it's cold.

How do our bodies change temperature?

Our bodies have an internal "thermostat" that keeps our temperature stable so that our family can process nutrients and keep us alive.

What is the regulation of an organism's internal life maintaining conditions despite changes in its environment?

Homeostasis is the process by which an organism maintains stable internal conditions despite changes in its external environment. This regulation ensures that essential variables such as temperature, pH, and nutrient levels remain within a narrow range that is optimal for cellular function. Homeostasis is typically achieved through a combination of physiological and behavioral mechanisms.

What are 3 factors that can affect homeostasis?

External temperature: Extreme heat or cold can disrupt the body's ability to maintain a stable internal temperature. Nutrition: Inadequate or excessive intake of nutrients can affect various physiological systems and disrupt homeostasis. Stress: Prolonged stress can lead to hormonal imbalances and impact the body's ability to regulate internal conditions.

What is the temperature of a liquid-in-glass thermometer when its held in a hand?

It depends on your body temperature and homeostasis (your bodys way of maintaining internal conditions)