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Liquid molecules are very tightly packed while in gas it is loose.

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Q: How are liquids and gases different in the amount of space between particles?
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Why are liquids denser than gas?

The difference between stages of matter have to do with how they are bonded. Solids are interlocked and crystalized. Liquids are loosely bonded and connected. Gases are in fact, not connected. Instead, they are loosely bonded atoms or molecules, made up mostly of space between them. This space is what makes the density of gas incredibly les than that of liquids.

If all matter is made of particles what is between particles?

well first thing you have to know what particles are to know what's between particles.Particles:1. A very small piece or part; a tiny portion or speck.2. A very small or the smallest possible amount, trace, or degree: not a particle of doubt.What's between particles: Nuclear Energy, High energy etc.hope my answer helped

What type of experiment will you conduct on different liquids affect plant growth?

no it does not affect the growth of plants because the liquids are actually good for the plants.

What are the chemical similarities between toothpaste and an abrasive household cleaner?

Toothpastes contain also a small amount of tiny abrasive particles.

What is the relationship between changes of state and particle movement?

Solid : The particles are held together and arranged in a regular pattern. They cannot move from one place to another but only vibrate at their own positions. The spaces between them are very little. Liquid : The particles are close together but they can move from one place to another. The spaces between them are little. Gas : The particles are far apart and move freely in all directions.

Related questions

Why do solids and liquids behave differently?

Unlike the particles that make up solids and liquids, gas particles have a large amount of empty space between them. The space that gas particles occupy is the gas's volume, which can change because of temperature and pressure.

How are liquids and gases different in the amount of space between?

Liquid molecules are very tightly packed while in gas it is loose.

Does solid particles have lots of energy?

Relative to liquids and gasses, they have the least amount of energy. In terms of the actual particles themselves, the amount of energy they possess depends on their structure and composition along with the temperature.

What is the relationship between the amount of space between particles and the state of the matter?

As the space changes between the particles, so does the state of matter.

Why do different temps affect the amount of rust on a penny nail needle and paper clip when put in different liquids?

Yes, different temps will effect the amount of rust on a penny, nail, needle, and paper clip. The different types of liquids will also effect the rusting process.

What does the amount of movement between particles depend on?


Do different liquids have a different amount of cohesion?

Because of different densities (ex. water and oil)

Does a liquid take up a different amount of space when it is put into a different containers?

No. Liquids have a definate, or fixed volume.

How does the total volume of gas particles compare to the volume of the space between the gas?

The amount of space that gas particles can take up is the size of the container, but the amount between them also is determined by the amount of space the gas takes up.

Why do particles have different amount of energy?

Because they have different temperatures and when you measure an object's temperature, you measure the average kinetic energy of all the particles in the object.

What happens to particles in soundproofing?

The effect of soundproofing -- any means of reducing the sound pressure with respect to a given sound source and receptor -- on particles depends on the state of the particles. Soundproofing reflects or absorbs the energy of sound waves that transforms into vibrational energy, thus reduces the vibration and its resultant effects. For particles in the gaseous state, reduced vibration from soundproofing decreases the energy transferred to the free, widely-spaced gas molecules, thus lessening the resultant fluctuation in motion of the gas molecules. As for particles in the liquid and solid state, reduced vibration from soundproofing has a different effect on the particles. In liquids, energy of vibration transferred to the molecules are mostly absorbed by the intermolecular interactions and bonds (e.g., hydrogen bonding between water molecules). In solids, energy of vibration transferred to the molecules are absorbed by the chemical bonds between the particles of the solid. Thus, for both liquids and solids, soundproofing reduces the amount of energy absorbed by the particles.

Does a liquid takes up a different amount of space when put into a different countainer?

No it just takes the shape of the container. Same amount of space (volume). Generally speaking you can really compress a liquid but not noticeable before it solidifies (for most liquids). Different deal for Newtonian liquids tho.