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Toothpastes contain also a small amount of tiny abrasive particles.

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Q: What are the chemical similarities between toothpaste and an abrasive household cleaner?
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What is the chemical similatities and differences between toothpaste and an abrasive household cleaner?

they are fast

What is the chemical formula formula for toothpaste?

Toothpaste is a mixture, not a compound and so there cannot be a chemical formula.

What is the chemical equation for elephant toothpaste?

Not so much a chemical equation, but really a mix of ingredients - a recipe really. They often consist of mildly abrasive powders, a detergent, and an antiseptic, a bleach/whitener, along with flavoring. Shamefully, some toothpastes featured sugar sweetening too (!!!!)

What is the formula for toothpaste?

Toothpaste is a mixture, not a compound and so there cannot be a chemical formula.

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Is brushing your teeth a chemical change?

It's a physical action without toothpaste. Many toothpaste have inactive ingredients, and are only there to "taste good". Toothpaste with fluoride, baking soda, and other common dental ingredients will undergo small chemical changes when they come in contact with water (when baking soda in water come together it creates a chemical reaction). So in some respects it's both!

What chemical used to prevent tooth decay?

The most important component of toothpaste is fluoride, which will strengthen the tooth enamel. Some types of toothpaste contain xylitol as well, which acts as an antibacterial to fight caries. Toothpaste also contain abrasive material to help remove deposits of food and plaque and different types of flavor ingredients, e.g. menthol, to remove or mask bad breath.

What chemical reaction is formed from toothpaste?

None. Toothpaste is a cleaning substance containing soap, that is why it foams.

Does sensodyne toothpaste contain carrageenan?

Sensodyne toothpaste does not contain the chemical triclosan. Triclosan is a chemical that is used in making socks, cutting boards and soaps.

What common household item has NaCl as its chemical formula?

a toaster is a common household item that has the chemical NaCI

Where can you get Flouride?

Fluoride(not flouride)is a chemical commenly found in toothpaste

What chemical can form in a chemical reaction?

bleach and a household cleaner