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Transcription of the DNA into messenger RNA (mRNA). mRNA contains the anti-codons for ribosomal binding, so the transfer RNA (tRNA) can add the corresponding amino acid. This part is known as translation.

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Three bases are coded for one amino acid in protein synthesis.

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The order of the amino acids determine the shape of the protein. The shape of the protein is what determines its function.

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Q: How are the codes for specific amino acids formed?
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How does Frameshift affect an organism?

frameshift is a type of genetic mutation.we all have nitrogenous bases present as triplet codons which codes for the 20 amino acids.3 specific bases codes for a specific amino acid.when any other base enters into this specific codon then there is a shift in the reading frame and the new codon formed doesn't transcribe to produce the same amino acid.this is also known as frame shift.

How does the interactions between mRNA codons and trna anticodons codes for a specific amino acid?

Once the original DNA has been unzipped and the mrna has made a complementary copy it is time for the trna to do its work. The mrna moves out of the nucleus and moves into the rrna where the trna come with certain group of 3 nucleotides which codes for a specific amino acid. When the bases on the trna and the ones on the mrna are matched it drops of its amino acid to the trna behind it which forms a peptide bond with the other amino acids.(The rrna has 3 slots where the trna sit and deposit their amino acid to the one behind in line to them.) After the mrna has fully been decoded into amino acids their chain breaks off to make a protein in the secondary, tertiary, or quaternary structure.

What is the relationship between proteins and DNA?

the DNA copies its base sequence into messenger RNA which carry the information to the transfer RNA which translates it into a sequence of Amino acids.

How do nucleotides in the RNA molecule code for various amino acids How many nucleotides code for one amino acid?

Each nucleotide is made up of an organic base, a pentose sugar and a phosphate. Nucleotides can be arranged in various different orders and that order dictates which amino acid it codes for, three amino acids code for one nucleotide. Is this enough detail?

How is a denatured protein different from a normal protein?

First of all, a protein consists of chains of amino acids and a single amino acid is coded by one codon of DNA. Mutations are able to insert, delete, replace and shift codons, which can result in amino acids being changed, removed or added, which would affect the protein that the amino acids are building.For example;Here is a strand of DNA in which the three codons in the middle codes for the amino acids.....TGG ATT ATG GAG TTC....-----> Isoleucine, Methionine, Glutamic acidSay that the strand of DNA has it's reading frame mutated (shifted).....GGA TTA TGG AGT TC....-----> Leucine, Tryptophan, SerineNotice how completely different amino acids arose from the mutation. Such a change may effect the protein's characteristics, as well as the phenotype of the organism.

Related questions

What specific amino acid that codes for part of a protein?

That MAY have happened 3.5 billion years ago ... but not today. DNA carries the codes for amino acid sequences. RNA transfers the codes. Ribosomes link the amino acids into proteins. Amino acids don't code for proteins, genes do. The base sequence in the genes codes for how the amino acids should be sequenced to make proteins.

How do amino acids specify codons?


How many amino acids will be in the polypeptide that is formed when uacguacguucaacu is translated?

Five. Each codon consists of a sequence of three nitrogen bases, and each codon codes for a specific amino acid, or a start or stop command.

Nucleotides are responsible for directing the addition of a particular amino acid to a polypeptide?

Essentially, yes. mRNA, which is made from nucleotides, have specific codons attached to them which codes for specific types of amino acids, which sort of guides the addition of amino acids to the polypeptide chain.

Each set of three bases in an mRNA molecule codes for one of 20 specific?

"amino acids"

Which molecule determines the sequence of amino acids in a protein?

At the heart of it, DNA is the molecule that codes for the sequence of amino acids. DNA does this somewhat indirectly because its code is transcribed to mRNA, whose codons pair with specific tRNA anticodons, which are associated with a specific amino acid.

How does Frameshift affect an organism?

frameshift is a type of genetic mutation.we all have nitrogenous bases present as triplet codons which codes for the 20 amino acids.3 specific bases codes for a specific amino acid.when any other base enters into this specific codon then there is a shift in the reading frame and the new codon formed doesn't transcribe to produce the same amino acid.this is also known as frame shift.

The codes for amino acids are called?


Why is the sequence of amino acids significant in building proteins?

dna gives codes for 1 of20 amino acids. amino acids form chains and a complete chain is a protein.

How nitrogenous bases code for amino acids?

Yes, amino acids contain nitrogen in their amine group.

What kind of charge does protein have?

Proteins do have charges based on its amino acid content. there are polar uncharged and acidic, basic amino acids exist in the cells(Lysine, Arginine, asparic acid are a few charged groups). Based on the codes of mRNA proteins are formed by these amino acids in a sequence.

What are the amino acids on the codon table?

Each codon codes for only one amino acid, or a codon is a start or stop codon, but no codon codes for more than one amino acid.