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First of all, Autographs and heterotrophs are not even closely related.

Heterotrophs obtain energy by consuming organic matter of other organisms, either living or deceased. Autotrophs obtain energy by capturing it from sunlight (photosynthesis) or capturing chemical energy (chemosynthesis).

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Q: How do autographs differ from heterotrophs in obtaining energy?
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Related questions

How do autotrophs and heterotrophs differ in way they obtain energy?

Heterotrophs obtain energy from foods they consume, and Autotrophs obtain energy by the sun light

How do heterotrophs and autotrophs differ in the way they obtain energy?

Heterotrophs obtain energy from foods they consume, and Autotrophs obtain energy by the sun light

What is the heterotroph obtaining from the autotroph?

The heterotrophs obtain food energy and other nutrients from autotrophs.

What are ways obtaining energy?

Eating and drinking, for heterotrophs and photosynthesis and other autotrophic behavior for autotrophs.

Where does cellular respiration occur in heterotrophs and and photosynthesis in autotrophs?

heterotrophs eat other organisms because they can not make their own food. so they obtain their energy by braking down their food to a simpler state through the process of respiration so yes heterotrophs preform respiration

How does a heterotorph differ from an autotroph?

They differ in one fundamental way:Autotrophs fix their own energy. (They are the producers of the ecosystem.)Heterotrophs must get their energy from other sources. (They are the consumers, detritivores, or decomposers of the ecosystem.)

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Plants create their own energy via photosynthesis. Animals eat to get energy

What are heterotrophs and where do they get their energy?

Heterotrophs are organisms that consume food in order to obtain energy. These organisms get their energy by consuming organic molecules.

How do autotrophs obtain energy and how do heterotrophs obtain energy?

Heterotrophs obtain energy from foods they consume, and Autotrophs obtain energy by the sun light

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Is a cow primary consumer or heterotroph or herbivore?

Yes. Heterotrophs are organisms which must take in organic substrates in order to survive. This means they are consumers that take the energy from other organisms, plants or animals because it is incapable of obtaining its energy any other way, such as through photosynthesis and cellular respiration in plants. Cows, being such consumers, then need to get their energy by consuming plants, making them heterotrophs.

What food molecule is used by heterotrophs to make energy?

Heterotrophs are unable to make their food, but consume reduced carbon compounds. The heterotrophs are then able to obtain energy from the food for reproduction and growth.