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the sun because well it gives them energy

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B. the sun

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Q: The source of energy for most autotrophs is A water or B the sun or C heterotrophs or D other autotrophs?
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How do autographs differ from heterotrophs in obtaining energy?

First of all, autographs and heterotrophs are not even closely related. Heterotrophs obtain energy by consuming organic matter of other organisms, either living or deceased. Autotrophs obtain energy by capturing it from sunlight (photosynthesis) or capturing chemical energy (chemosynthesis).

Are bacteria autotrophs or heterotrophs?

Both types of bacteria exist. Some are autotrophic while others are heterotrophic. Most autotrophic bacteria can synthesize their food from substances like hydrogen sulphide. This process is called chemosynthesis and involves the use of chemical substances for the production of energy. Heterotrophic bacteria, in contrast, cannot synthesize their own energy and must consume organic matter for energy. These include decomposing bacteria, or other groups of bacteria that may be symbiotic of parasitic in nature.

Is the brine shrimp a heterotroph?

Shrimp are a heterotroph because heterotroph feeds on other autotrophs and heterotrophs and shrimp will eat algae which is an autotroph.

Organisms that must obtain nutrients and energy by eating other organisms are?

All animals are heterotrophs, getting their organic molecules (food, growth) from another organism. Those that consume other organisms are predators. The larger predatory animals that consume smaller animals are carnivores (meat eaters).

What would happen if crude oil ran out?

The we (i.e., mankind) would have to use some other source of energy.The we (i.e., mankind) would have to use some other source of energy.The we (i.e., mankind) would have to use some other source of energy.The we (i.e., mankind) would have to use some other source of energy.

Related questions

How heterotrophs depend on the sun sun for energy?

Heterotrophs depend on the sun for energy because they eat other hetertophs and autotrophs. As you know autotrophs eat plants sp when a heterotroph eats one, it gets the energy. Or it receives it directly by eating the plants/autotrphs. I hope this answered your question. -Skylar =P OR~ The ultimate source is where the energy came from originally. Heterotrophs get their energy from autotrophs, which get their energy from the sun. So, that means the original (or ultimate) source of energy is the sun.

Heterotrophs obtain the chemical energy used in metabolism from autotrophs or from other heterotrophs?

false or no

What are differences between heterotroph and autotroph?

Heterotrophs rely on autotrophs or other heterotrophs for energy. Autotrophs, such as plants, can make their own food using photosynthesis. Heterotrophs, such as animals, must eat plants or other animals to obtain their energy.

How do you heterotrophs obtain energy?

Heterotrophs depend on the sun for energy because they eat other hetertophs and autotrophs. As you know autotrophs eat plants sp when a heterotroph eats one, it gets the energy. Or it receives it directly by eating the plants/autotrphs. I hope this answered your question. -Skylar =P OR~ The ultimate source is where the energy came from originally. Heterotrophs get their energy from autotrophs, which get their energy from the sun. So, that means the original (or ultimate) source of energy is the sun.

Where does cellular respiration occur in heterotrophs and and photosynthesis in autotrophs?

heterotrophs eat other organisms because they can not make their own food. so they obtain their energy by braking down their food to a simpler state through the process of respiration so yes heterotrophs preform respiration

What are the similarities between autotophs and heterotrophs?

An autotroph creates its own food/energy source, typically through photosynthesis. Heterotrophs rely upon outside sources for food/energy. The lowest level of heterotrophs are herbivores, or plant (aka autotrophs) eaters. Progressing up the food chain there are also carnivores (meat - aka other heterotrophs - eaters) and omnivores (will eat both plants and animals). The relationship from the heterotrophs side is fairly simple and easy to see - autotrophs are a food/energy source. The flipside, is that the heterotrophs, through bodily waste and other decaying matter, leave the minerals and nutrients that the autotrophs require to complete the photosynthetic process. In essence, the relationship is cyclical.

What are heterotrophs Give an example?

organisms that receive energy from autotrophs or other heterotrophs. ex... mice, dogs, lions

What is the relationship between producers and autotrophs?

Autotrophs create their own food (for example plants). These get eaten by primary consumers (herbivores) - which are then eaten by secondary consumers (carnivores). Therefore autotrophs are the original source of food for carnivores.

How does an organism get energy?

autotrophs produce their own energy while heterotrophs get energy by eating other organisms.

Is a human a autotrophs or heterotrophs?

Heterotroph, autotrophs can create their own food (plants and some bacteria). Heterotrophs consume other organisms to aquire their energy and much energy is lost between each level.

Why do autotrophs depend on heterotrophs?

heterotrophs and autotrophs depend on each when heterotrophs obtain food by decomposing other organisms. To live, all organisms, including plants, must release the energy in sugars and other compounds.

What kind of organism obtains energy directly from the sun?

Heterotrophs can eat autotrophs or other heterotrophs.