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Warm air expands and rises from the base on one side of the mountain. It cools and contracts in the clouds above the mountain and sinks back down but on the desert side of the mountains. This way both sides of the mountain are heated properly.

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Q: How do convection currents form downdrafts in deserts near tall mountain ranges?
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What do convection currents create over different regions of earth?

Convection currents create rain forests and deserts over different regions of Earth.

Why are deserts where they are?

because of rain shadow or ocean currents

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Deserts do not have ocean currents although they may be located near an ocean current.

What are Hawaii's mountain ranges and deserts?

Hawaii has no true deserts nor does it have mountain ranges. All mountains in Hawaii are volcanic in origin and not the result of normal tectonic mountain building.

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Deserts often form on the leeward side of a mountain.

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Rain shadows and cold ocean currents can cause coastal deserts.

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The two mountain ranges in the Sahara deserts are Ahaggar and the Atlas Mountains.

Can a bear survive in the desert?

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