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Isobars are not measured. An isobar describes a part of a thermodynamic process during which the pressure doesn't change. It is also used as a term in graph tables where it describes the behavior of a material at a constant pressure.

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15y ago

Isobars do not measure the air pressure. They are a graphic representation showing lines of equal pressure on a weather map.

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Q: How do isobars measure air pressure?
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What measures isobars?

Isobars measure the air pressure in the sky and our atmosphere! I hope I helped a little!

How do you read isobars?

The isobars form layered rings on the weather map.The closer the layers of the rings are to eachother, the lower the air pressure in that area is. The further apart they are the higher the air pressure. The closer the isobars are, the stronger the wind is. The air pressure is also depicted by letters. In an area where the isobars show that it has a high pressure, a 'H' will be in the the centre circle. If there is low air pressure there will be an 'L'. Air pressure is the density of air molecules. High air pressure is heaps of air molecules close together. Low air pressure is when they are far apart. When the air pressure changes from high to low, wind is created.

Do isobars join places that have the same air pressure?


What do the numbers on the isobars mean?

Lines of equal (iso) air pressure (barometric).Similar concepts are isohypnals (equal contours of rainfall); and isopachs, lines of equal thickness of a deposit; and isotherms which concern temperature.

What are three types of isolines?

Isobars - Measure atmospheric pressure Isotherms - Measure temperature Isoheights - Measure elevation

What are lines joining areas with equal air pressure called?


What does an isobar on a weather map indicate?

isobars are a measure of atmospheric pressure. variations in atmospheric pressure basically cause weather - high pressure vs low pressure, etc.

What is the difference between an isobar map and an isothern map?

isobars are lines of equal pressure , isotherms are line of equal temperature that's the difference this is by jenisea phoenix lol smile face

What are the lines in a weather map that connect points of equal air pressure?

On a weather map, the lines that connect points with equal barometric pressure are called Isobars.Iso = equalbar = pressure

Isobars are lines ona map joining places that have the same?

Air pressure.

What do Meteorologists draw lines called blank on weather maps to connect locations with the same air pressure?

Meteorologists draw lines called isobars on weather maps to connect locations with the same air pressure. Wind blows from areas of high to low pressure.

How do you determine low pressure and high pressure using isobars on a weather map?

High pressure: The isobars will be far apart. Low pressure: The isobars will be very close together.