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A colony is one 'circle' of bacteria, to distinguish between them you could try testing them with antibiotics, increasing/lowering temperature, increasing/lowering humidity (or pH), changing the components of their nutrients (blood agar, starch agar etc) or even changing the atmosphere they are in (so removal of oxygen, addition of nitrogen/carbon dioxide). You can separate each colony by determining what conditions each bacteria work best in, simply by changing a few factors, then attempting to regrow them. Also there are several staining methods which you could try, gram staining, simple iodine tests, which could also differentiate each colony.

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13y ago

Look at the morphology of the colonies if they are uniform. For example all colonies appear uniform in color and morphology, so colonies are pure. Also the pure colony should not touch another colony. Actually, the right way to ensure the purity of colony is examine it under microscope. You can prepare a bacterial smear (pick of a single colony from the sample) then examine it under the microscope to see if the colony is pure or not ( observe cells that would have same or different cellular morphologies (cocci,bacillus or Spirilla ..etc) and staining properties.

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14y ago

A pure culture, which contains only one type of organism can be confirmed by smear staining or simple staining a small amount (loopfull) of the organism and looking at it under the microscope. Depending on what stain you use (Nigrosin or Safranin) you will be able to tell whether the cell is gram - or gram + and whether or not the organism is "pure".
Hope this helps!

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Q: How do you prove a culture is pure colony bacteria?
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What is a pure culture?

The culture which contain an organism (bacterial colony) which you are required to grow in a broth media that is a media lacking solidifying agent agar. A pure culture should not contain other bacterial or fungal cells in it except the required or cultured one

Does saltwater prove to retain heat the best or freshwater?

Answer: Pure water has the best capacity for heat of any material known to man, so any impurity must reduce its ability.

How can you be sure that the turbidity produced in the broth tubes was caused by the bacteria used for the inoculation?

You can't tell from looking. you'll have to streak a plate and look at the colonies formed and their morphology. If all the colonies look the same, chance favors a pure culture. However, you could do a few stains from the broth to examine if the microbes look different Gram Stain comes to mind immediately because you don't need to have a pure culture to get good results.

What is a pure substance that contains only one kind of particle?

I thought it was pure substance. But i recently took a Science Test of these subject(i'm also in 8th grade) and it was the same question...EXACTLY! I put down Pure substance as well but appearantly the answer was "All of the Above" which included A.Pure Substance B.Compound C.Element ... so as long as you can prove it was only pure substance( This was for extra credit to get points back on the test for my teacher) You got the points. In my opinion a Pure Substance is the substance in which there is only one type of particle. I hoped this helped :)

Why does alcohol go sour if left out?

This answer assumes that you are talking about an alcoholic beverage, not pure alcohol. Bacteria take sugars left in the beverage after fermentation and convert them into acidic chemicals which leave a sour flavor. If the beverage is sealed after use, bacteria cannot use oxygen in the air for respiration and cannot produce the acid.

Related questions

Why can a single colony on a plate be used to start a culture?

The colony started from one single microbe that divided and divided until it formed what we call a colony of all the same bacteria. By selecting that colony we can be sure that its is pure and will grow only into a pure culture. Be sure to select on that is isolated so that you will not pick up a contaminate.

Why colony represent a pure culture?

The colony started from one single microbe that divided and divided until it formed what we call a colony of all the same bacteria. By selecting that colony we can be sure that its is pure and will grow only into a pure culture. Be sure to select on that is isolated so that you will not pick up a contaminate.

Why obtain pure culture of bacteria from a mixed culture?

i obtain pure culture of bacteria from a mixed culture for obtain pure one bacterial culture

What is the purpose of quadrant streaking in bacterial cultivation?

The purpose is to isolate a pure culture of bacteria from a mixed culture of bacteria.

What is composed of cells that arise from a single colony?

Pure Culture

How would you define pure culture sterile and contamination in the isolation and purification of bacteria?

A pure culture is defined as a population containing only a single species or strain of bacteria. Contamination means that more than one species is present in a culture that is supposed to be pure.

How would you define pure culture and sterile and contamination in the isolation and purification of bacteria?

A pure culture is defined as a population containing only a single species or strain of bacteria. Contamination means that more than one species is present in a culture that is supposed to be pure.

Why are plates used for the culture of microorganisms rather than slopes?

Plates can use more successful methods of pure colony isolation, where single bacterium are separated from one another to allow growth into a visible pure colony for investigation. Also, it is easier to examine bacteria that grow on plates.

What is the value of petri plates in microbiology?

It gives microbiologists a way to grow bacteria on a solid medium. This is important if you want to be able to obtain a pure culture, without a solid medium to grow bacteria it would be nearly impossible. On a solid media a single colony can be isolated and used to innoculate a further plate or broth culture. All the bacteria present in a colony should be decendents of a single organism and so be genetically identical. To obtain a pure culture in liquid media, you would have to do numerous serial dilutions which is very labor intensive compared to streaking a solid medium. Even after many serial dilutions there would be no way to ensure a pure culture.

How would you define pure culture sterile culture and contamination in the culture and isolation of bacteria?

A pure culture contains only one bacteria and no other. A sterile culture has only one bacteria in it and is usually used for transport. Contamination is something that doesn't belong. It can even be a small bit of plastic or wire. It is the opposite of a pure culture. The whole idea when working with isolating bacteria is to figure out which bacteria (or microbe) is causing an infection or disease in a patient. Your job is to help to figure this out so that the proper treatment can be started as soon as possible.

How do you decide which colonies should be picked from a plate culture of mixed flora?

To decide on which colonies you should pick from a plate culture, you'll have to know whether you desire to grow a mixed culture of different microbes and bacteria or a pure culture that consists of only one strain of bacteria or microbe.

Why would you assume that an isolated colony is a pure colony of that microorganism?

Because bacterial cells reproduce and form identical daughter cells. Therefore, a single cell that is isolated away from the rest of the mixed bacterial culture will reproduce a colony of cells identical to itself. You will know that it is only that certain type of bacteria with none others mixed in, or pure :)