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Bunches of bacterial living in your mouth eat the sugar and secrete acids which corrode the enamel. It's not the sweets that do the damage, but the bacteria.

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Q: How does the tooth enamel undergo damage due to eating sweets?
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How does tooth enamel undergo damage due to eating chocolates and sweets?

Tooth enamel is made up of calcium phosphate which gets corroded when the pH in the mouth is below 5.5. Bacteria present in the mouth produce acids by degradation of sugar and food particles in the mouth after eating. To prevent this,Tooth pastes are used,which are bases, neutralise the acid.

Why should you clean your mouth after eating sweets?

If the sweets are acidic you should wait at least an hour before cleaning them to avoid your enamel being damaged. i think you should but what if you are out somewhere and eating sweets

How is teeth enamel damaged?

Bunches of bacterial living in your mouth eat the sugar and secrete acids which corrode the enamel. It's not the sweets that do the damage, but the bacteria.

Why do sweets make your jaw ache?

I actually asked my chemistry professor this!! It hurts because when you eat food, particularly sweets, the food/sweets become acidic with your saliva and eats away at the enamel. And usually, people who eat a lot of sweets usually feel this pain because the enamel is worn thin (or sometimes its thinned from hard brushing or poor nutrition) and the food/sweets is eating away at the dentin, and later becomes a cavity.

What does it mean when you dream about eating too much sweets and giving some portion of the sweets to my friend in dream?

it means you ARE eating to many sweets

Are sweets healthy?

Some are. It depends on what time of sweets you are eating and what are the ingredients.

How Can you Loze Weight?

By not eating sweets and not eating junk food

How do you get more energytic?

by eating sweets and chocolate

What are some good eating habits?

eating fuit,greens,stake,vegitables no sweets or smoothys

What causes dental health?

By eating to much sweets and not brushing our teeth .

What is flavored syrup hardened into small pieces for eating?

Boiled sweets.

How can you become a sweet girl?

by eating sweets and being very cute there you are the wrong answer