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Note: This answer addresses simple machines, such as levers, pulleys, and ramps - it does not address complex machines, such as engines.


Machines affect work by applying one or more of the following principles:

  1. altering the amount of force applied in order to do the work;
  2. altering the amount of time over which the force is applied; and/or
  3. altering the direction that the force is applied.


A simple pulley, or a balanced lever, does not change the amount of force required to lift an object, or the time during which the force is applied, but they do change the direction of the force. A balanced lever (a teeter totter) makes it easier to lift another object (your friend on the other end of the teeter totter) because you can use your own weight to help lift that object (your friend). Such simple, balanced machines do not decrease the force, nor increase the amount of time during which the force is applied - they merely redirect the force, which is often helpful.


Ramps, pulleys, and levers can also reduce the required force, in addition to changing the direction of the applied force, making the work easier in two ways. For example, a compound pulley reduces the amount of force required to lift a heavy object, but it now takes more time of that applied force to lift the weight. When this occurs, the machine does not actually change the amount of work done, but the machine makes it easier to do the same amount of work by spreading that work done over a longer period of time at a reduced force.


Some machines use the opposite principle - they require more force than normal, but the force is applied over a reduced period of time. A catapult is an example of this principle - it is a lever in which more work is required to lift an object than without the catapult lever, but the object is lifted so quickly that, by the time the object is lifted, it is travelling fast enough to become a ballistic object.A machine affects work done by magnifying human's physical capabilities which reduces the intensity of the work.

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In an ideal universe, where there are no friction or heat transfer losses, work out = work in.

In our universe, however, work output is always less than input. How much less depends on the efficiency of the machine's design.

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What is the definition of output and input work?

Work Input- The work done on a machine as the input force acts through the input distance. Work Output - The work done by a machine as the output force acts through the output distance (What the machine does to the object (dependent on the force) to increase the output distance).

How does input force output orce and load force work together in a lever?

because if there wasn't an input force, or any one of those, the machine would not work properly

Compare the input work and output work?

it is compared with efficiency which can never be 100% due to friction and gravity. Input work is any work done on the system by the surroundings which in a reaction is endothermic. This is because work and energy are interchangeable and the system will store the energy. Output work is work done by the system on the surroundings and is therefore exothermic, because the work/hear is being put onto the surroundings (i.e surrounding universe not involved in the reaction).

What is the difference between an ideal machine and a real machine?

In ideal machine input is equal to output . The efficiency of ideal machine is 100% . In real machine input is not equal to output .The efficiency of ideal machine in not 100% . In ideal machine there is no lose of energy . In real machine there is lose of energy . In real machine there is no friction . While in real machine there is friction .

In a practical machine the power output is the power input?

In any practical machine, the power output is less than the power input. In other words, the efficiency of real machines is less than 1.smaller thanalways

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The output work of a machine compared to it input work is the of the machine?

Output(input), or O(i)

What is the differences between work input and work output?

Work Output is the work done BY a machine. Work Input is the work done ON a machine.

What is the difference between work input and work output?

Work Output is the work done BY a machine. Work Input is the work done ON a machine.

Work performed on a machine?

The work done by a machine is called work output

What is a comparison of a machine's work output and work input?

Output is always greater than input. The output is multiplied from input.

Differences between input work and output work?

Work input is work done on a machine to get the desired output. Work output is the amount of desired work that is done by a machine.

How does the output work compare to the input work for a machine that has an efficiency equal to 100 percent?

If a machine has 100 percent efficiency, the output work = the input work. That's actually basically what the efficiency of a machine is - output work / input work * 100.

What is the definition of output and input work?

Work Input- The work done on a machine as the input force acts through the input distance. Work Output - The work done by a machine as the output force acts through the output distance (What the machine does to the object (dependent on the force) to increase the output distance).

How is the work output of a machine related to it's work input?

In an ideal universe, where there are no friction or heat transfer losses, work out = work in. In our universe, however, work output is always less than input. How much less depends on the efficiency of the machine's design.

In a compound machine made up of two simple machines how is the work output of the first simple machine related to the work input of the second simple machine?

The work ouput of the second machine will usually be more than the work input of the first machine.

Equals the output work divided by the input work?

All machines lose some of the input force applied to them as a result of friction and other forces. The efficiency of a machine refers to how much of the input work is converted to output work by the machine. You can find the efficiency of a machine by dividing the output work by the input work. Because the output work will always be smaller than input work, efficiency will always fall somewhere between 0 and 1, with 1 being a machine that has as much output as input work (not possible in the real world) and 0 being a machine that is totally useless because none of the input work is converted to output work.

The output work of a machine compared to the input work is?

That is called the machine's efficiency.