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Galileo was born in 1564- and live until 1642 Info By: #9 allstar For LL

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Between December 27, 1571 and November 15, 1630. Almost 59 years.

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Q: How long did Johannes Kepler live?
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Why is Johannes Kepler dead?

Johannes Kepler lived nearly 400 years ago. Humans can't live that long.

Where does Johannes Kepler live?

in an unclear era

Who was the first to propose elliptical orbits of the planets?

Johannes Kepler

Who is responsible for developing the three laws of planetary motion?

I'm pretty sure you're thinking of Johannes Kepler.

Astronomer who discovered that planets orbit the sun in an ellipse rather than a perfect circle?

Johannes Kepler

Is Johannes Kepler a chemist?

No. Johannes Kepler was an astronomer and mathematician.

What is the period of a planet?

The period can refer to one of two things: the planets rotation about its axis (how long its day is) and the rotation around its star (how long its year is).

When did Kepler find Pluto?

Neither Johannes Kepler nor the Kepler Space Telescope discovered Pluto. Pluto was discovered by Clyde Tombaugh in 1930, long after Johannes Kepler died and long before the Kepler telescope was created. The Kepler telescope was built to discover planets in other solar systems, not our own.

What did Johannes Kepler believe in?

Johannes Kepler Believed that you would SMD.....

What was named after Johannes Kepler?

The Kepler Space Mission was named after Johannes Kepler. Johannes Kepler was an astronomy. The Kepler Space Mission is a mission to search for a habitable earth like orbiting star.

Who discovered that planets have elliptical orbits?

Johannes Kepler proposed that these planets orbit the sun in ellipses, not circles. That is why we have Kepler's Law of Planetary Motion.

When was Johannes Kepler born?

Johannes Kepler was born on December 27, 1571.