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about 60 months. 60 months is a ridiculous answers especially being the program is 90 days. I started to see results in the first 14 days. Everybody's body is different and how dedicated you are to following the program depends on the outcome. Nutrition is the key to success so as long as you follow the diet you should see results in the first 14-30 days. I was down 20 lbs. in the first 30 days.

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Q: How long does it take to get results from p90x?
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If I do p90x twice a day instead of once will I get the same results?

If you do P90x twice a day instead of once, you will not get the same results.

Where can I find out more information on the P90x diet?

P90x diet have help a lot of people to lose body fat according to reviews and testimony. You can get more information about P90x and peoples that actually benefited from it on this website:

Can teenagers get the same results with P90X than men can?

yes they an

Where can I find new workout routines to see results?

P90x has a 13 video routine program broken down specifically to see results, from resistance training, cardio, abs, and body weight training. P90x is also used with minimal equipment.

When will you start noticing results on P90X?

i think it really depends on how you follow the nutrition guide and how you "BRING IT"

Does the p90x diet plan really work?

P90X is the real deal. I started in 2007 & am currently in my 10th round (time) of doing it. I was 195, 6ft tall & after 90 days I was 173 at 39 yrs old. (I'm 45 now) I now work with Beachbody as a coach to help folks go thru AND FINISH P90X or other Beachbody programs. My biggest "P90X success story" is the 2012 Beachbody Challenge Grand Prize Winner, Richard Neal who lost 242lbs in 18 mos on P90X. so I can help you too. For my P90X results & review, check out my blog at jeffwaldfitness * com *success-stories * reviews * p90x-results-jeff-Wald I'd be glad to help you out.

Is P90X a good workout program, and where can I buy the DVD?

Yes, this workout program is very good and does show results in short time period. I personally have a friend who used to be over weight and now is in the best shape of his life thanks to the p90x workout. You can purchase the DVD's at the p90x website.

P90x not a good long term plan?

The P90X has is a brutal exercise program that has earned most of its fame for being very difficult to complete. Looking at the routine it's self it is an exceptional program that incorporates different forms of fitness in its routine. The problem with the P90X is that it is too difficult to be practical. Many people have started the P90x feeling accomplished and sore. The thing about exercise is it only works as long as it is continued. The P90x becomes a bleak part of your schedule that looms over your day. The P90X is ultimately a routine that is bound to fail.

How long does the p90x diet program run for?

You'll actually have two weeks to spare. The p90x program only lasts for thirteen weeks, total.

What exactly is the p90x workout routine?

P90x is a fitness routine that targets different muscle groups in a 90 day fitness challenge. The pattern of work outs are designed to provide the maximum results in the 90 days.

Does the p90x workout actually work?

The P90X workouts do really work. I started not too long ago and i have lost 19 pounds. You really need to try it.

P90x. i know you need pull up bar dumbbells a mat and a chair. anything els i would need for p90x?

Besides what you already mentioned you also use the long stretch bands for certain activities involved in the P90X training.