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Ammonia is made for one nitrogen atom and three hydrogen atoms.

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Q: If nitrogen combines with three hydrogen atoms how many electrons the nitrogen will achieve?
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How many electrons does nitrogen gain in order to achieve a noble gad electron configuration?

nitrogen has 5 valence electrons. It should gain 3 electrons to achieve a noble gas configuration.

How many electrons does nitrogen gain in order to achieve in order a noble gas electron configuration?

Nitrogen has to gain three electrons

In an ionic bond how does a nitrogen atom most commonly achieve an octet of electrons?

By gaining 3 electrons

How many electrons must be gained by N to achieve sec?

Nitrogen must gain three electrons.

How many electrons does nitrogen give up to achieve noble gas electron configuration?

nitrogen should give 5 electrons (or better gain 3 electrons) to attain noble gas configuration.

How many electrons does nitrogen gain in order to achieve Noble electron configurations?


How many electrons does nitrogen have to gain in order to achieve noble gas electron configuration?

it has to gain 3

What is the charge of nitrogen to achieve noble gas configuration?

-3 charge. Nitrogen has to gain three electrons to achieve the noble gas configuration of neon, so it will have -3 charge (as in N3- ion or nitride ion)

Why do carbon and nitrogen form covalent bonds?

carbon and nitrogen atoms form covalent bonds with one another in order to achieve an octet (8) of valence electrons between them.

What is the ionic formula of nitrogen and magnesium?

Magnesium is group II and has two valance electrons to donate to achieve the octet state. Nitrogen has 5 valance electrons so it accepts 3 into its outer shell to make an octet. So Mg3N2

What is the electron group arrangement for NH3?

The nitride ion, N3­­­ˉ, has an electron arrangement of 1s2, 2s2, 2p6 The elemental nitrogen, N, has an electron arrangement of 1s2, 2s2, 2p3. Since the nitride ion, N3-, has 3 extra electons, those 3 extra electrons fill the 2p orbital giving the electron arrangement above. This stabilizes the nitride ion because it is similar to a noble gas.

Why nitrogen is not a inert gas?

The reason why nitrogen isn't inert is due to the layout of electrons around the nucleus. the electrons are found in layers/shells. For all elements except the noble gases the outer most shell is incomplete. Having a complete outer shell is the most stable any atom will get as it requires massive quantities of energy to remove them. The noble gases have full outer shells and this is why they are inert. All the other elements try to achieve this state. I will use nitrogen as an example. Nitrogen has 5 electrons in its outer most shell. The closest noble gas is Neon with 8 electrons in its outer shell. For nitrogen to achieve a full outer shell it needs 3 more electrons which it will find through bonding to other elements. Basically put nitrogen isn't inert because it will react with other elements to try and achieve a full outer shell of 8 electrons.