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The first trophic level ofof a food web is almost always made of autotrophic organisms.

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15y ago

The first trophic level is made up of producers, which includes all plants and other photosynthetic organisms, including seaweeds and algae.

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Q: In a food web what organism make up the first trophic level?
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Producers make up the first trophic level. A trophic level is each step in a food chain or food web is called a trophic level.

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A snake is an organism that is a third-order heterotroph. Snakes belong to the third trophic level. There are approximately 3,000 species of snakes.

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Trophic level is a group of organisms that occupy the same position in a food chain. An organisms trophic level is determined by its position in a food chain against all levels Producers(Level 1), Herbivores(Level 2), Predators(Level 3), and Carnivores as Level 4 or 5.

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Trophic Level

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No. Producers always make up the first trophic level in a food web or chain.