

Is genetic diversity beneficial

Updated: 8/10/2023
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13y ago

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When all the organisms are exact genetic copies, you don't have diversity. Additionally they would all appear as identical twins. If you are talking about a food crop if a bacterial, fungal disease strikes, they may all succumb. We would be left without that food. When there is diversity, some of the organisms are resistant. The resistant organisms survive and pass the resistance on to future generations. The resistant organisms also serve as a buffer. The resistant organism doesn't come down with and, therefore, spread the condition.

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13y ago

yes! for us we need to reproduce with humans who are less like us (not relatives) because otherwise the offspring will be worse off, and could have serious birth defects or genetic disease. For nature as a whole, it is almost a failsafe. what would we do if we only had 3 crops? there were only a few animals a disease could wipe them all out. Living things rely on each other, wiping out one is very negative for the whole ecosystem it is in (excluding humans, that would improve the environment).

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One organism of a species may gain an advantage over another organism of the same species.

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Q: Is genetic diversity beneficial
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Crossing over causes genetic diversity. If there was no genetic diversity in a species, the species would be prone to extinction.

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Crossing over causes genetic diversity. If there was no genetic diversity in a species, the species would be prone to extinction.

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Yes, increasing genetic diversity can be beneficial as it can help populations adapt to changing environments, resist diseases, and prevent inbreeding depression. High genetic diversity also promotes ecosystem stability and resilience.

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