

Is magnet a metal

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Q: Is magnet a metal
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How do you make a metal magnet?

by hammering a metal at the magnet xD

What is an object that attracts metal?

It is a magnet or a electro-magnet. If you are trying to use it as a metal detector then you will need a really strong magnet!

When you rub a magnet with metal what happens to the metal object?

the metal object becomes a temporary magnet

What is the difference between a magnet and a metal pan?

A metal pan will not attract iron but a magnet does.

If a person had a metal plate in their head would a magnet stick to it?

no, the type of metal used is platinum which is unfavorable to metal or magnet.

How does a cow magnet attract metal?

The exact same way that a normal magnet attracts metal.

How do you sepeerate metal shavings and pepper?

Use a magnet. Metal shavings will be attracted to the magnet and pepper will not.

What is megnet?

a magnet is a metal thingy that can pull a metal object towards it

Can you magnetize a metal by putting the metal on top of a magnet?

Some metals are naturally paramagnetic, meaing that you can induce a magnet field on it but only with a very strong magnet. To actually magnetize the metal itself without a magnet, you would have to make an induced magnet by wrapping the metal around a copper wire and sending electricity through it. It all has to do with the arrangement of the electrons within the metal.

How can metal become a temporary magnet?

By putting metal piece in contact of other magnet or magnetic field.

How is magnetizing an object the opposite of demagnetizing a magnet?

Demagnetizing. Place the magnet at the opposite end of the metal from where you magnetized it. Again, the magnet must make as much contact with the metal as possible. Rub the metal with the magnet in the opposite direction that you used to magnetize it.

Will metal stick to a magnet?

depends on the metal, iron.