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in solving scientific problems, a method of reasoning is used which begins in the generalization and is called as

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What scientific reasoning includes?

Scientific reasoning requires a logical way of thinking based on gathering and evaluating evidence .There are two types of Scientific reasoning can be deductive or inductive.

What is the socrastic method?

The Socratic method is a type of reasoning method. It was based on Socrates' reasoning by constantly questioning, looking for answers, and criticizing the answers given.

How do the two kinds of scientific reasoning differ?

Scientific reasoning requires a logical way of thinking based on gathering and evaluating evidence.

Why is a subjective reasoning not an example of a scientific thought?

A subjective reasoning is based on how you feel about something more than an actual fact. A scientific thought is emotionless and based on pure facts.

What is scientific measurement based on?

precision and accuracy

What was the new scientific method based on?

Scientific methods were based on observation and experimentation

What the scincifics method?

The scientific method is a systematic approach used in scientific inquiry to investigate and acquire knowledge about the natural world. It involves observing and formulating a hypothesis, designing and conducting experiments or gathering data, analyzing the results, and drawing conclusions based on evidence. This method allows for replication and verification of results, ensuring the reliability of scientific findings.

Contributions of Francis Bacon and Rene descartes?

Rene Descartes and Francis Bacon are known for their philosophical contributions in the scientific revolution. Descartes contributions are in the areas of science and mathematics. He came up with the reasoning to the issues in these areas which are truth based and incontrovertible. While Francis Baconâ??s Scientific Method stressed on to replace the deductive reasoning by inductive reasoning.

Which part of the scientific method is based on the gathered data?

The "analyze and draw conclusions" step of the scientific method is based on gathered data.

What type of scientific reasoning relies on gathering and evaluating evidence?

objective means that you make decisions and draw conclusions based on evidence, subjective means that personal feelings have entered into a decison or conclusion.

What is the scientific method's last step?

The scientific method's fifth step is to draw conclusions based on the results of your experiments.

Is a hypothesis a scientific prediction or possible explanation based on reasoning intuition and research?
