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Q: Life Scientist use kilograms when measuring an object's .?
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How might you use pi in your everyday life?

Possible answer: It can be used in measuring the weight of steel by converting its width, length and thickness into kilograms (factor used in the calculation)

How do you use the metric system in your daily life?

Measure lengths of objects in metres (or centimetres), journey distance in kilometres, buy food and drinks in kilograms and litres.,

Is Levi Strauss a life scientist?

No......Levi Strauss is not a life scientist.

How do scientist organize life form?

Scientist organize life forms by how they look and what they are.

What is a word for a natural scientist?

If you mean natural as in life, then here are the words: biologist: scientist of life ecologist: scientist of environment zoologist: scientist of animals geologist: scientist of earth and rocks

What is a scientist that studies animal life called?

A scientist that studies animal life is a Zoologist.

What scientist study the plant life in a environment?

a scientist who studies the plant life in an enironment

Who can become a life scientist?

life scientist studies about living things for example bird,plant and human being

Who can be a life scientist?

anyone can

Have scientist brought the mammoth back to life?

The scientist have not brought back to life the mammoth but they hope to do so by 2060.

Do people use the scientific method in everyday life?

Many do. Baking is a very exact procedure . There are exact considerations for measurements, temperature , measuring volume of pans , timing etc. A good baker is as much scientist as chef.

Where did Sir Isaac Newton spend his life?

he was a scientist duuuh!!! he was a scientist duuuh!!!