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Q: Scientists divide animals into two groups based on whether or not an animal has a backbone. true or false.?
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Is backbones considered by scientists when classifying organisms?

Yes. The first classification under animal describes if an animal has a backbone or not. Animals with a backbone are Vertebrates, and animals without a backbone are Invertebrates.

What do you name animals that have a backbone?

an animal with a backbone is called a vertebrate

An animal that does not have a backbone?

They are called invertabrates. Animals that dont have a backbone.

Is a man vertebrate or an invertebrate?

ALL animals that have a backbone are "vertebrates". ALL animals without a backbone are "invertebrates". Man is an animal with a backbone.

What Animal without a backbone?

Animals without backbone are invertebrates, because vertebra means backbone.

What kind of animals has no backbone?

An animal that does not have a backbone is an invertebrate, such as a snail, an eel,or a snake.

Does a face have backbone?

Backbones are found in animals. A face is not an animal. A face is part of an animal, so it can't have a backbone.

What is the first division in the animal kingdom?

Vertebrates and invertebrates... V = Animals with backbone IV= Animals without backbone

What is the name of the animal who has a backbone and begins with a V?

Vertebrate or verenickederatoror the term for animals that have a backbone.

In the animal kingdom which type of animals have no backbone?


How does the backbone determine how big an animal will get?

The backbone determines how big an animal will get because normally in most animals the width of the animals back bone will not change much in size.

What are animal without the backbone called?

Lewis Kenna