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The light moves from the source in a straight line to an object and then moves into the back of your eye to your retina.

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starts from sun

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Q: Starting with light source describe the path the light must travel to reach your eye?
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the photons travel outward from a light source in all directions.

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the light goes into your pupiuls

What direcstion does light travel?

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I am not sure that there are many scientists who describe time travel. those that describe light waves are physicists.

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They travel in open spaces

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It depends how bright the source is.

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yes,it is a source we can find the smell organisms

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Where does light travel to?

Light emitted by any light source - say, by a lamp, or by the Sun - travels in all directions.

What is the source of darkness and cold since the sun is the source of heat and light?

We're modestly familiar with the source of heat and light. And we know that heat and light both exist and are real. Cold and darkness do not exist. They merely describe the lack of heat and light, respectively.

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Light requires nothing more than a source for transmission. sound requires a source and a medium to conduct it. In vacuum, there is no conductor for sound.

How do electromagnetic waves travel through a medium?

electromagnetic waves generally don't require a medium to travel. the most commonly visible example is "light" which may be either sun's light, light from a bulb or any other source. they travel as transverse waves.