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Subshell or Subshells

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Q: The divisions within a shell are called?
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What are the divisions within a shell called?

A subshell is a subdivision of electron shells.

What are divisions within a shell called?

Some shells, such as ammonites, have a septum dividing the spaces within the shell.

How many body divisions does a snail have?

A snail's body is characterized by a soft body within a hard shell. The basic divisions of its body are the head, the viscera, and the foot. The head contains the brain and mouth supports the tentacles, two of which also serve as eyestalks. The viscera (organs) are almost all within the shell. The foot that provides movement extends from the shell, but both it and the head are connected to the shell by muscles. These can draw the entire body back into the shell if needed.

What do you call a collection of electron orbitals within an atom?

It is called an electron shell.

What do you call the divisions in an era?

Divisions of an era are called Periods.

What is a snail's home called?

it is called a shell

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What is the system called which separates India's people into strict class divisions?

This system is known as "Caste Divisions."This system is called "Caste Divisions."and it's dieing out.

How do you get a shell bell on Pokemon Crystal?

There is no shell bell within the game.

What is the definition of social divisions?

The strata of people within a civilisation.

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everyone works together