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Q: Which nations has the most political divisions within it?
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Which nations in north America has the most state divisions?

Mexico i think

What continent has the most states?

Asia has the most states (political divisions of a country). However, if you mean state as in country, then Africa does with 55.

Which is New York's most important International political building?

The United Nations.

The current political boundaries of African nations have been most influenced by?

the patterns of european colonialism

According to James Madison the source of most interest groups or factions is?

the American political tradition of association

What are the two most important bodies within the United Nations?

General Assembly and Secratariat

Are continents countries?

No, continents are large landmasses that contain multiple countries within them. Countries are distinct political entities with defined borders and governments, whereas continents are physical geographic divisions of the Earth's surface.

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Revolutions have most often occurred in nations in where?

Revolutions have most often occurred in nations where there is a significant level of political, social, or economic discontent among the population. This discontent is usually fueled by factors such as government corruption, political repression, economic inequality, or foreign intervention. Additionally, revolutions tend to occur in nations with weak or unstable governments that are unable to effectively address the grievances of their citizens.

Where did most immigrants comr from in 1850?

Most of the immigrants in the United States in 1850 came from Ireland and Germany. They were escaping famine and political pressures in their home nations.

What is Political ans social upheaval supported by most Americans during its moderate beginnings in 1789 but the cause of bitter divisions after it took a radical turn in 1792?

The French Revolution

Political and social upheaval supported by most Americans during its moderate beginnings in 1789 but the cause of bitter divisions after it took a radical turn in 1792?

French Revolution, son.