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cause 3 nts corresponding to an amino acid

so it wont effect all the following code after insertion

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Q: The insertion of how many nucleotides into a genetic sequence does less damage to the code than the insertion of other numbers of nucleotides?
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How do nucleotides relate to DNA?

they form the rungs of the helical DNA ladder, and as there are 4 kinds of nucleotide encode genetic information as very large base 4 numbers.

What are the three numbers before the Fibonacci sequence?

There are no numbers before the sequence!

What word names an ordered list of numbers?

A sequence.

Set of numbers that follow a pattern?

This is called a sequence and if we add the numbers in that sequence it is called a series.

What is the difference between an arithmetic series and an arithmetic sequence?

An arithmetic sequence is a list of numbers which follow a rule. A series is the sum of a sequence of numbers.

Is a molecule that contains genetic information in the form of a code or a sequence?

The code is in the sequence. In a DNA molecule which has billions of nucleotides, there are genes. It looks random to an untrained person. It would look something like ...AATCGCGATCGTCTGATCGTTTGCTAGC.... but somewhere along the sequence there will be a start and end codon (series of 3 letters). Between the start and end is the gene. Remember that DNA codes for RNA and the RNA will code for the protein. Think of it as a phone number. If there were billions of numbers such as ...76594948676849393841677205781732845895... there would eventually be the phone number. The start codon could be 486 and the end could be 817. Between that would be the phone number.

What is a sequence of numbers in which the difference between any two consecutive numbers is a constant called?

Arithmetic Sequence

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They are a sequence of numbers and each sequence has a term number.

What is all of the Fibonacci numbers in nature?

Its indefinite: Start with 0,1 add last two numbers = 1 add to sequence = 0,1,1 add last two numbers = 2 add to sequence = 0,1,1,2 add last two numbers = 3 add to sequence = 0,1,1,2,3 add last two numbers = 5 add to sequence = 0,1,1,2,3,5 add last two numbers ......... add to sequence ..........

What is A sequence of numbers such that the difference of any two successive members of the sequence is a constant?

An arithmetic sequence.

Is 1 11 an arithmetic sequence?

Any pair of numbers will always form an arithmetic sequence.

What is a numeric or non-numeric sequence?

A numeric sequence is a list of numbers in a particular order. A non-numeric sequence is an ordered list of something other than numbers.