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Q: Urine specific gravity of 1.012 is dilute or concentrated?
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What is the approximate specific gravity of dilute urine?

hi maddeleine

What measures th kidney's ability to concentrate of dilute urine in relation to plasma?

It is urine's specific gravity that measures the kidney's ability to concentrate or dilute urine in relation to plasma.

What are normal results for urine specific gravity?

The specific gravity can be an excellent source of information on hydration. This is an elevated result indicative of concentrated urine associated with dehydration. A normal specific gravity ranges from 1.010 to 1.020. normal range of S.G. in urine is 1.003 to 1.030.

What hormone that decides dilute or concentrated urine will be formed?

aldosterone is the hormone that decides this

How does freezing urine affect specific gravity?

Decrease, you are making the specific gravity closer to that of water.

What condition favor kidney stones?

Prolonged high specific gravity, which is the measure of concentrated urine. A condition that causes this is prolonged dehydration.

What is the most significant determination of the specific gravity of urine?

Specific gravity is determined by the solutes in the urine - the less solutes, the lower the specific gravity. In normal urine, the solutes are ions such as ammonium.

Why is the first urine of the day most concentrated?

The color of urine is determined on how concentrated the urine is. It's from all of the toxins being excreted. In the morning it's a fasting urine and you haven't drank fluids all night. So it's concentrated and dark yellow. During the day, you drink and dilute the urine so there more water in the urine, less concentrated and lighter in color

What does 1.013 specific gravity urine mean?

specific gravity on urine test strip, what does this mean result 1.015

Does ADH favor the formation of dilute or concentrated urine?

ADH causes an increase in water reabsorption in the kidneys. Thus, by absorbing more water, the urine becomes MORE concentrated (more compounds in less water = more concentrated)

Type of urine excreted when the water content of the body is low?

Concentrated, the more excess water is present in the body the more dilute the urine becomes.

What does the specific gravity (SG) of urine measure?

The density of urine