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It moves through the bilayer via channels. These channels often are for transfer through the bilayer for other chemicals (sodium, potassium, etc) but also allow water to flow through readily. It is unexpected because water is hydrophilic (obviously- all charged molecules are). The phosphate part of the bilayer can bind with water, but the lipid on the inside of the bilayer acts like a layer of oil on the surface of the water- water cannot pass through the hydrophobic lipid.

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Q: Water freely moves through a phospholipid bilayer Why is this unexpected?
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Do all substances pass freely between the intracellular and extracellular fluids through a phospholipid bilayer?

No, the membrane is known as semi-permeable because some substances (such as water) can pass freely through - whereas others (such as ions) cannot.

What can you conclude about the advantage of the cell membrane having hydrophobic ends in the phospholipid bilayer?

Well it prevents polar molecules from passing through freely, giving the membrane its semi-permeable properties.

A molecule that can diffuse freely through a phospholipid bilayer is probably?

By Passive transport i can onlythink of glucose, but by active transport material like water, carbon dioxide, amino acids, sodium and potasium and of course oxygen! :)

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Molecules that are not polar or ion molecules. That is because they won't be stopped by the hydrophobic tails and they will have the acknowledgement to pass through the cell membrane thanks to little resistance. This makes those molecules have an advantage.

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According to the fluid mosaic model, our cell membrane is a double membrane of phospho lipid molecules. Proteins are embedded in this layer. Cholesterol is also an important compone of this membrane.

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Integral Proteins float freely within the bilayer of the cell membrane. They are usually transmembrane proteins, extending through the lipid bilayer. One end is in contact with the interior of the cell while the other remains in contact with the exterior. These are the only proteins that can perform functions both inside and outside the cell.

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Certain steroid hormones, cholesterol for example, can pass through the plasma membrane of the cell. Ions cannot pass through the plasma membrane but requires a channel protein. All cells in our body has phospholipid bilayer plasma membrane.

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Substances that can freely pass through the plasma membrane must be small and non-polar.

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The literary device that seals swam freely through the icy sea is assonance.

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