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Q: What are bonds with no charge called?
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Did the phosphate bonds have negative charge or positive charge?

Yes phospate bonds have a negative charge.

How will be the partial charge of the hydrogen bonds?

positive charge

What charge are ionic bonds?


Do hydrogen bonds form from an equal charge distribution within a molecule?

No. Hydrogen bonds form as a result of highly unequal charge distribution.

What are covalent bonds called after the bonds are formed?


What is the definition of partial charge?

Partial charge are charge that are smaller than the charge of the electron.And, they are produced by distribution of electrons in chemical bonds.

Is hydrogen covalent bonds?

Hydrogen bonds and covalent bonds are two completely different things. Covalent bonds share an electron, while hydrogen bonds (just for water molecules) act like magnets- the Oxygen atom has a slight negative charge and it "attracts" the Hydrogen atoms, which have a slight positive charge.

What causes ion form ionic bonds?

Ions form ionic bonds due to charge attraction.

Covalent bonds between atoms of like or similar electrogativity are called?

Such bonds are called non-polar bonds.

How many covalent bonds does nitrogen form with no negative charge?

The nitrogen atom forms 3 covalent bonds.

What is form ionic?

Ionic bonds are chemical bonds by positive ionic charge(normally hydrogen , metals +) and negative ionic charge(chlorine ,sulphur etc ) that bind to form compounds.

What do ionic bonds form between a ion with a posative charge and a ion with negative charge?

ionic bond