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1. All populations have genetic variation 2. The environment presents challenges to successful reproduction 3. Individuals tend to produce more offspring than the environment can support 4. Individuals that are better able to cope with the challenges presented by their environment tend to leave more offspring than those individuals less suited to the environment do
Individuals better able to adapt to changes leave more offspring.

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14y ago

One of the main ideas of natural selection is that a species has the potential to reproduce and grow exponentially. The reason this does not happen is that there is limited resources and competition between different species decreases the reserves. As supplies become scarce, species that cannot win the resources have the potential to become extinct through malnourishment and death. If a species has a characteristic that will assist in gaining the resources, that species will have a better potential to survive and reproduce.

This also applies within the species because there is diversity in that same group of organisms. Each individual has different traits that contribute to the chance of survival. If a trait strengthens an organism's ability to compete in the environment, then it will increase the chances of its survival. This is known as adaptation and is passed on to the next generation through reproduction.

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