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A great way to get information is by doing exactly what you did to know how to get information; search it on the internet. You can also read books or ask cultivated people about what ever you are trying to get information about. Good luck in your quest to get information!

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five methods are





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Theories lead to hypotheses, which lead to research and observations, which then are processed in the mind with confirmation, rejection, or revision in the matter at hand.

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Q: What are the five components of scientific methods?
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What are the proper components of the scientific methods?

Observation, Research, Hypothesis, Experiment, Conclusion, and Communication

Why is a salad considered a mixture and not a compound?

It's simple because you can separate the components of the salad,while in the compound,you can't separate its components easily except by scientific methods.

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The five essential components of a simple scientific experiment are hypothesis (testable prediction), independent variable (factor being manipulated), dependent variable (factor being measured), control group (baseline for comparison), and experimental group (group receiving treatment).

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A systematic and professional way to answer scientific questions using scientific methods.

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The five elements of a GIS are hardware (computers and peripherals), software (applications and tools), data (spatial and attribute information), people (users and analysts), and methods (procedures and workflows). These components work together to facilitate the creation, analysis, visualization, and interpretation of geographic data.

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Many mixtures can be separated into their components by what methods?

Some methods used to separate mixtures into their components include filtration, distillation, chromatography, and extraction. These methods take advantage of differences in physical or chemical properties between the components of the mixture.