

What did nicklous tesla do?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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14y ago

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He took us away from DC or direct current electric to AC or allternating current ....during his time Thomas Edison was wiring NYC with DC power needing power plants every few miles and booster stations every few city blocks..... Tesla showed his way was better by making an auditorum 4 times brighter using half the power and half the bulbs (made by Edison) in retalliation Edison started having public demonstrations of AC current and publicly electrocution all kinds of animals from small rabbits to elephants (sick) Tesla countered with a Public demonstartion of his own whitch he stood bare footed on top his Tesla Coil with lighting coming from his head and arms holding 2 diffrent kids of Lights in his hand (lit) and speeking with a vibration in his voice saying his power is as dangerous and the person using it...after the aplause his power was the only one used and was able to be trasnmitted over great disstances with out boosting it ...his first large scale demonstration of this was in Niagra Falls NY during the 1901 worlds fair ...the power was made in Niagra falls and transmitted through wires to Buffalo NY some 23 miles away a type of protest Edison called all distubuters of his Edison bulbs and told them not to sell them to tesla so Tesla got a glass blowing company to make a new style Bulb to light up that worlds fair the style stayed ever since is the standard base we all have in our home this day ....the Edison Bulb was much larger near 2inchs round .... If there is any other questions on Tesla drop me a line ...Iam his Number One fan and to this day make my living from what he brought us ....iam an electriction and a electrical teacher at a collage here in Buffalo NY

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