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semipermeable membrane

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Q: What do you call a membrane that only allows certain substances to pass through it?
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What allows certain materials to pass in and out of the cell?

A cell wall on both the plant & animal cells. a cell membrane (yes membrane is spelled M-E-M-B-R-A-N-E.) in just a plant cell. the following contribution is by Draycos a SEMIPERMEABLE membrane will allow some substances to pass and prevent other substances from passing. another name for this kind of membrane is SELECTIVELY PERMEABLE

What takes materials in and out of a cell?

The plasma member is a selectively permeable membrane which allows the entry and exit of substances in and out of the cell through the process of diffusion.

What structure allows only certain things to pass in and out of a cell?

The cell membrane. It is a semi-permeable membrane (or selectively permeable membrane) - this means that it only lets certain certain molecules or ions pass in or out of the cell. Permeability may depend on the molecule's size, solubility, properties, or chemistry.

Movement across the cell membrane made possible by a protein embedded in the cell membrane?

It is a selectively permeable membrane that allows certain substances in and out, but keeps harmful substances from entering the cell. It could be compared to the security guard at the door of an airport that makes sure that nobody dangerous gets in or out.

In what way is a cell membrane selective?

very complicated question that is better addressed by a cell biology text but in general cell membrane itself is non-polar and allows small non-polar molecules through it also has protein that are built to selectively let in molecule based on commands from the body

Related questions

A membrane that allows only certain substances to pass through is a?

A permeable membrane

What does a selectively permeable membrane do?

A selectively permeable membrane allows some substances through it and does not allow others.Allows certain substances to pass but not others

How does the composition of the cell membrane help regulate the movement of substances into and out of the cell?

They pass through channels in the cell membrane.

What only allows certain substances in and out of a cell?

The permeability of the cell membrane controls which substances may pass in or out of the cell.

What allows only certain substances into the cell?

The cell membrane.

What cell part allows only certain substances to difuse into and out of the cell?

The cell's membrane allows only certain substances to diffuse in and out of the cell.

What a role of the plasma membrane in maintaining the internal balance of the cell?

It is a selectively permeable membrane, meaning it allows certain substances to pass through it but not others.

What part allows only certain subsTances to diffuse into and out of the cell?

The cell part that allows only certain substances to diffuse into and out of the cell is called the semi permeable membrane. This allows good substances to enter the cell.

Why is the plasma membrane called the semipermeable membrane?

the cell membrane allows only certain substances to pass through it It is considered semipermeable because, it allows non charged particals to pass through.

What allows certain substances to pass in and out of the nucleus of a cell?

Nuclear Membrane

Which part of a plant allows certain substances to move in and out of the cell?

the cell membrane

What is the name of the membrane that allows the movement of water and substances to move through the process of active transport and passive transport?

The name of the membrane that allows movement of water and substances through the process of active and passive transport is semipermeable membrane.