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Q: What gas from the air do the microbes in bread dough use?
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What gas is responsible for the holes in the bread?

There are tiny bubbles of air trapped in the dough. As the dough rises the bubbles expand into the holes you refer to. it is a gas.the best example for gas in solid is bread. (u can type this questions in yahoo answers so u can get more information)

Consider the following research question. Research Question Why is yeast used to bake bread Which hypothesis is based on this research question?

Yeast added to bread dough produces a gas, and this causes the dough to rise, making the finished bread look like a sponge.

What hypothesis might experiment be testing?

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How anaerobic respiration benefits the baking industry?

In aerobic respiration, due to the lack of oxygen, the glucose isn't fully metabolized which causes the build up of lactic acid. In the production of cheese certain bacteria convert lactose into lactic acid, the lactic acid is important in curdling the milk and breaking down the fats and proteins to make the cheese.

When bread is made does the chemical change form a gas?

Making bread involves a step called leavening (usually), and that's the part of the operation where your question regarding bread making chemistry is pointing. A leavening agent causes gas to be produced. Be sure to read enough to differentiate the effect of steam (created inside the dough mass) on the finished bread from leavening. Point your cursor to the link and surf on over to our friends at Wikipedia to get the straight scoop. These folks are down with it.

Related questions

How do the microbes in bread work?

Bread is not "formed" by microorganisms. However, yeast is added to bread dough as leavening. The yeast, consisting of many billions of microorganism, consume and digest sugars in the dough which produces gas. The gas bubbles cause the bread dough to expand or "rise."

What gas from the air do microbes in bread us?

i think maybe carbon dioxide

Does bread need air to rise?

No, air by itself does not make bread rise. In yeast dough, the micro organisms (yeast) consume sugars in the dough and produce gas. The gas bubbles are trapped in molecules of protein in the dough called gluten. These gas bubbles expand and cause the dough to rise. When the dough is baked, the heat makes the gas bubbles expand further producing soft delicious bread.

What gas is responsible for the holes in the bread?

There are tiny bubbles of air trapped in the dough. As the dough rises the bubbles expand into the holes you refer to. it is a gas.the best example for gas in solid is bread. (u can type this questions in yahoo answers so u can get more information)

Why wholes appear in bread dough while it is proofing?

While bread dough is proofing, it ferments and produces gas pockets, which are the holes that you see.

What gas is given off by yeast in bread dough during anaerobic respiration causing the bread to rise?

The gas, carbon dioxide, forms bubbles in the bread dough, making it "rise".

Why does bread rise when yeast is added?

Yeast is added to bread along with moisture and sugar, and the dough is kept in a moist, warm environment. During this rising time, the yeast consumes the sugar in the dough and release CO2 gas, which is trapped in the dough and causes the dough to rise. When the dough is baked, the yeast is killed, but the bubbles created by the gas remain.

What does the gas from the yeast in bread do?

The gas released by yeast, CO2, creates bubbles, as the bubbles expand in the dough, the bread rises. As the bread bakes, the bubbles set and give the bread its light, airiness.

Why is yeast used to bake bread Which hypothesis is based on this research question?

Yeast added to bread dough produces a gas, and this causes the dough to rise, making the finished bread look like a sponge.

How does fermentation that causes dough rise?

Carbon dioxide

Why bread dough rises?

The yeast cells in bread dough ferment sugars and produce gas (carbon dioxide). This makes the dough rise.

The air bubbles and spongy texture of bread are due to?

Yeast forms the gas bubles which cause the bread to rise, as important to the texture as the yeast is the gluten that is produced by kneading the dough. The gluten is what captures the gas produced by the yeast and it is what creates the crumb of the bread.alcoholic fermentationHarmless bacteria inside the bread, when being made, actually dissolve away some of the bread. This means that the bacteria started doing that inside the bread, and not on the surface as usual. Or, a pocket of air is just trapped within the bread.