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The fillings align themselves according to the magnetic field created by the magnet.

*See the related links to images of the fillings behaving this way, along with a drawing representing the magnetic fields to which the filings align. You can see how the fillings behave similarly in each of the different photos.

(see also related question below)

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When iron filings are placed around a magnet, the force of the magnet causes them to align to show an outline of the magnetic field of the magnet.

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Q: What happens when you place iron fillings around a magnet?
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How could you separate sawdust and iron fillings in a solution?

you would use the iron's magnestism to extract it with a magnetic tube

What is the field around a magnet?

A magnetic field. where attraction and repulsion takes place around the magnet.

What are some fun things can you do with a magnet?

1. Build a motor/generator; 2. (This answer would be sick, so I left it out) 3. Create magnetic fields (duh) 4. Ever heard of a game called Polaris? Well, just mess with magnets, and you could end up making them jump over each other. 5. You could hold a magnet under a table, and place another on top of the table. See what happens when you move the one underneath around. 6. You could put iron fillings in a jar, close the lid, then move the magnet around outside it. (actually, just messing with iron fillings in general is fun) 7. You could grind up cheerios (any cereal works well enough) and move a magnet around in the result. You should have particles stuck to the magnet. This is the iron in the cereal! 8. I hear if you get a strong enough magnet, you can destroy many electronic appliances, including a TV and a computer.

What happens when you place a bar magnet on a saucer and place the saucer in a bucket of water?

The floating saucer-magnet system become a compass, and it will line up with the earth's magnetic field.

What happens to the path of the cathode ray when the orientation of the magnet is reversed?

If the beam is bent upwards by the action of the magnet it will be bent downwards if the magnet pole is reversed and applied in the same place as before.

How do you separate iron fillings salt sugar and pepper?

You use a magnet, the magnet will remove the iron filings.hi hi,what you can do is that, get a strong magnet and place it above the mixture. The iron fillings will be attracted to the magnet since it is a magnetic material. In the end you'll be left with salt only (:

What materials are use to 'see' the field lines around a magnet?

First sprinkle iron filings on a glass plate well scattered. Now place a bar magnet under the surface of the glass plate and give light jerks continuously to the plate. Gradually the iron filings would be arranged in curved lines. More filings are found concentrated near by the poles. These curved strutures stand for the magnetic lines in the vicinity of the magnet. Actually magnetic lines of force are only imaginary lines.

How do you separate poppy seeds from salt sand and iron fillings?

1) Use forceps to remove the poppy seeds 2) Place the remainder solid mixture on a petri-dish. Carefully, place a magnet underneath the dish to trap the iron fillings. While keeping the magnet still in place, tilt the dish to pour out the salt and sand into a test tube. Use a funnel to avoid dripping solid out on the floor or table. After removing the magnet, you'll have all your iron fillings intact and pure left behind on the dish. 3) Add water to the test tube containing the salt/sand mixture. Stir to ensure complete dissolution of the salt, then pass it through a filter paper to collect all the sand. Wash the sand with water and then keep it under vacuum to dry all of the sand. 4) Evaporate all of the water to collect your salt. Alternatively, you could remove some of the water to make a saturated solution and then you could place the solution in a refrigerator to crystallize out the sample.

What is the space around a magnet where the forces of the magnet act?

The space around a magnet where the force of the magnet can act is the space occupied by the magnetic field. Alternatively we say that the magnetic field acts in the space around a magnet. That is a very qualitative statement with little predictive value. More predictive value is contained in a statement that the strength of the magnetic field at any position in the vicinity of a magnet is measured by the torque which is exerted on a small magnet moment (compass) place in the vicinity of a magnet. This, recorded with the direction the test compass points is actually a mapping of the magnetic field of a magnet. As a side note, if carefully measured one discovers that strength of the field around a magnet decreases as the inverse cube of the distance when far from the magnet. The field is mostly in the volume near the magnet but the weakening field continues to exist at all distances from the magnet.

What is a force that wraps around a magnet?

magnetic pull

What happen to a metal place near magnet?

It would stick to the magnet....

How can you define the dentist?

It is a place where to go to have your teeth checked around every six months and can have a hygenist there aswell. However, they can apply trecherous fillings to your teeth if you have cavaties from what you have been eating. Finally,children can have a co-atin put over there teeth to protect them from having to have things like fillings