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The Great Lakes is an example of a geographic barrier, isolating populations from each other. Populations can become separated (isolated) from one another, as one group expands northward of the lakes and another expands southward of the lakes.

Mountain ranges are geographic barriers that isolate populations from one another, in much the same way as the great lakes.

Oceans geographically isolate land masses, and their respective populations, from one another. This includes islands as well as continents. Examples: the Galapagos Islands, Madagascar, and Australia.

*Geographic isolation is the chief mechanism of allopatric speciation, considered by some to be a theory.

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Any island.

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What does geographic isolation tend to do for a society?

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Speciation that results from geographical isolation that leads to reproductive isolation?

Allopactric ( other country ) speciation.

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1. When new species form.2. When a group is separated from the rest of its species.3. When members of the isolated group can no longer mate with the rest of species.

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the fact it is on an island.

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Geographical isolation is not a cause of speciation in an asexually reproducing organism because the population is self-pollinating and would be less prone to the factors which results from geographical isolation.

What is the name for a type of isolation that prevents species from interbreeding?

there are six types which are below: 1. geographical isolation 2. ecological (habitat) isolation 3. behavioral (ethological) isolation 4. temporal isolation 5. structural (mechanical) isolation 6. gamete mortality (gamete isolation)

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It is the reproductive isolation between populations that allows divergence between populations, and ultimately speciation, to occur. Often this reproductive isolation is the result of geographical isolation, for instance when part of a population migrates to new territories.

What are three ways that can lead to speciation?

by natural selection, genetic drift and geographical isolation

The separation of populations by barriers such as rivers mountains or bodies of whaters is called?

Geographical Isolation

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How verbal and non verbal communication is impacted in social isolation?

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