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An entomological taxonomist.

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Q: What is a person who studies how insects are named and grouped?
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What is a person named that studies insects?


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The name for it is an anatomist.

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In the Bible Mathew Mark and Luke are grouped and named what?

The Synopsis of Jesus' life.

What dessert is named for ability to attract insects?

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Who led warships into Edo Harbor to convince Japan to trade with the US?

The person that did this was named Matthew Perry. This answer was taken from my social studies Call to Freedom book.

Who is Triton's son?

Triton had only daughters who were named, his sons - if any - were grouped and their names forgotten for the most part.

Two-thirds of all named species of animals are?

Almost two-thirds of all named species of animals on Earth are arthropods. Arthropods are animals like crustaceans, spiders, and insects.

Who is the man who was the first researcher to prove that insects could hear?

wegaw Wewwow is the first researcher to prove that insects could here!!!!!! and he is 452552 years old

What is somebody who studies plant life called?

They are named Botanist :)

Who was the first person named Cowes?

the person who named the cow was named Henry Cow