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The flexibility of a material is known as pliability. The opposite of this is stiffness, or the resistance to outside applied forces.

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Q: What is flexibility of a material measured in?
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What are two ways to measure flexibility?

flexibility is measured by the range of motion and the range of motion and the range of movements is measured by using a goniometer.....

How well a material bends?

A material's bendability is typically referred to as its flexibility. This property describes how easily a material can be bent, twisted, or deformed without breaking. Factors such as the material's composition, structure, and thickness can influence its flexibility.

How is hazardous material measured at construction site?

Hazardous materials are measured by weight or volume, depending on which material is being measured.

The difference of elasticity and flexibility?

Elasticity refers to the ability of a material to regain its original shape after being stretched or deformed. Flexibility, on the other hand, refers to the ability of a material to bend or be easily shaped without breaking. In essence, elasticity focuses on how well a material can bounce back, while flexibility is about how easily a material can bend or change shape.

What are the difference between flexibility and ductility?

Flexibility is the ability of a material to bend without breaking, while ductility is the ability of a material to be stretched or drawn out without breaking. Flexibility relates more to how easily a material can be bent, while ductility refers to how much a material can deform before it breaks.

What is the difference between elasticity and flexibility?

Elasticity refers to the ability of a material to return to its original shape after being stretched or compressed. Flexibility, on the other hand, refers to the ability to bend easily without breaking. In short, elasticity is about how much a material can stretch and return, while flexibility is about how easily a material can bend.

How is lower back flexibility measured?

3 times 2 = 6To measure your lower-back flexibility, sit on the floor with your legs straight out in front of you and slightly spread apart.

What is the material measured in liters in engine?

It is not material, it is the volume of all the combustion cylinders.

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What is a property of a materials that can be measured without changing the identity of the material?

Density is a property of a material that can be measured without changing the identity of the material. It is the mass per unit volume of a substance and remains constant for a specific material at a given temperature and pressure.

What is an amount of space that a material takes up?

The amount of space that a material occupies is called its volume. This can be measured in cubic units, such as cubic centimeters or cubic meters, depending on the scale of the material being measured.

A material that can be observed or measured without changing the identity of the material is called?

A physical property. This refers to characteristics of a material that can be observed or measured without changing the substance's chemical identity, such as color, density, or melting point.