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The sounds wind makes when blowing in the wind differ depending upon the speed and density. For example, when wind is blowing very fast and furious it makes a whooshing sound.

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10y ago
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11y ago

You can say "The wind was whistling a nice tune" or "The wind was crying out for my name." Something like that?

Hope I helped :)

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8y ago

Swish, boom!, etc……………………...

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swoosh s u c k s h i t p e o p l e

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13y ago

A whistling sound

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Q: What is sound made by the wind?
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What is the name of the sound made by wind?

The sound made by wind is commonly called "whistling" or "whistling sound."

What is sound made by wind called?

The sound made by wind blowing is typically called "whistling" or "howling."

What sound made by wind?

The sound made by wind is typically described as a howling, whistling, or rustling noise, depending on the speed and force of the wind as it interacts with objects in its path.

The sound made by wind is called?


What is the sound of the tree?

The sound of the tree is the rusling noise made when the wind blows through the trees.

Why a sound is made the wind blows through the leaves on a tree?

Sound is caused by a vibration of the leaves. Depending on the shape and stiffness of the leaves, the sound will sound different. Also the speed of the wind will affect the loudness and pitch of the sound.

What does Kewina means in hawaiian?

Aloha: The sound of the wind. (not the sound that the wind makes, but it means "the sound of the wind")

Why is sound made when the wind blows through telephone wires?

1.The wind blows hard to create a sound so when the wind blows the wires start shaking and making another sound so together they make a loud sound. 2. When the wind blows through the telephone wires the wind blows the wires forcing them to vibrate. so technically because the wind makes the telephone wires vibrate. your welcome.

What is the sound of wind?


Why sound is made when the wind blows through the leaves on a tree?

The sound is produced when the wind causes the leaves to oscillate or vibrate. As the air moves through the leaves, it creates disturbances which result in sound waves being produced. This phenomenon is similar to how wind instruments like flutes or reed instruments work.

What is a bamboo wind chime?

It is a wind chime that is made out of bamboo. They don't really "chime" like the metal ones do, they make more of a "thunk" or "clunk" sound, but it's still a nice sound.

What is the omatopoeia for the wind sound?

The onomatopoeia for the sound of wind is "whooosh" or "whistling."