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the stimulus is the hot pan causing a signal to be sent to the brain which causes the hand to be pulled away which is the response

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Q: What is the Stimulus and response to touching a hot pan?
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a solid touches another hot solid like your hand touching a hot pan

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What is an example of a conductor for conduction?

A metal spoon touching a hot pan. The pan heats the spoon. The spoon serves as a conductor of heat. This is an example of conduction.

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Biologically the receptor is what detects the stimulus. The nervous system works in a diagram like this: Stimulus --> Receptor --> Coordinator --> Effector --> Response e.g Hot Pan --> Thermo --> brain --> bicep muscle contracts --> hand moves away On Hand receptor from pan. In skin.

What produces conduction?

Conduction is simply a transfer of heat. Let's say we have a hot pan and a person's hand. The molecules of the pan are moving very quickly because the temperature is so high. When a person touches the pan, he or she is really touching the very fast moving molecules of the pan that are incredibly hot.

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Reflex actions involve just three types of neurone. These are : - sensory neurones, - motor neurones, and Relay neurones which simply connect a sensory neurone and a motor neurone. We find relay neurones in the CNS, often in spinal cord

Why does a cold pan heat up when it is placed on a hot stove?

Because the pan and the stove is the same temp. and when the stove is heated it transfers through the pan and makes the pan hot.

What would you tell randy to help him understand what happned in the pan?

the hot stove turned the pan hot. when

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What would A correct general explanation of negative feedback would be?

A body's immediate response to something harmful. Like when you touch a hot pan, you immediately jerk your hand back.

Why does the pan get hot?

what pan? if you are talking about on a stove its because the element on the stove gets hot when you turn it on and the heat gets transferred from the element onto the pan.