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Q: What is the first color lost in the spectrum when descending in a dive?
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What is the minimum surface interval required between a dive to 20 metres for 29 minutes followed by a dive to 14 metres for 39 minutes?


How does buoyancy and density help a submarine to dive and float?

A submarine has buoyancy tanks along its length. To dive or sink these are filled with water, which enters through valves, so the vessel becomes heavier. Its speed of descent can be controlled by the amount of water in the tanks and also by aerilons (small wings) which can be tilted to steepen the dive. There is obviously a depth limit for each submarine. To surface the vessel blows the water out with compressed air, the vessel gets lighter (more buoyant) and rises to the surface.

How do you stop picking your nose and what is cause of it?

It causes you to pick your nose is ...... because of the little tiny things that goes in your nose. Well the first guy clearly doesn't know what the heck they are talking about but obvioslly it is because occasionaly the little green monster decides to be a punk and tickle your nostrils and your like what the hell is going on up there so you dig for the treasure and when you don't get it you keep going and so to fix it you just get the treasure on the first dive

What is the opposite of free fall?

The antonym for free fall is upturn. Free fall also has several synonyms such as dive, plummet, plunge, drop, and collapse.

What is the highest dive into water in meters?

It is 58.28 metres by Rudolf Bok. But he suffered a fracture of the thoracic vertebrae and other internal injuries.

Related questions

The first color lost in the spectrum upon descent during a dive is?

Red because it has the shortest wavelength. Then you lose orange, green,blue, violet.

Can you use dive in pokemonheartgold?

first of all how do you get dive in the first place?

What is the idiom dive a head first mean?

"Dive in head first" is to rush into a situation without thinking.

Where do you find the submarine in sapphire?

you first go to steven to get dive and dive dvie

What to after do after getting dive for steven sapphire?

go to sotopolis and dive there. (there is two dive area. first to sotopolis island and second near go to second beat the bed guys and then in first.)

Is dive a verb or noun?

The word dive is a noun (dive, dives), a singular common noun, and a verb (dive, dives, diving, dove). Example uses:Noun: Your first dive was your best dive.Verb: I can't wait to dive into the barbecue vittles.

Is dive a noun or a verb?

The word dive is a noun (dive, dives), a singular common noun, and a verb (dive, dives, diving, dove). Example uses:Noun: Your first dive was your best dive.Verb: I can't wait to dive into the barbecue vittles.

Is dive a verb or a noun?

The word dive is a noun (dive, dives), a singular common noun, and a verb (dive, dives, diving, dove). Example uses:Noun: Your first dive was your best dive.Verb: I can't wait to dive into the barbecue vittles.

What is the first dive that a beginner platform diver will learn?

a straight jump then a tuck then a pike then the entry part of the dive this is called a forwards line up then a forwards push dive then a forwards tuck dive then a farwards pike dive then a fawrads straight dive

How do you do the worm on Call of Duty black ops?

first you dive then you crouch then dive again and repeat

Is a pencil dive head first or feet first?


What were the names of the characters in My First Dive With Dolphins?

The characters in "My First Dive with the Dolphins" were Reed, Ernestine, Lucky, and Arnie. That's all I can think of. :)