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Q: What is the inside of a spoon concave or convex?
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What kind of mirrors do the two surfaces of a spoon act as?

Concave on the inside part. Convex on the outer.

What shape is concave lens?

A spoon that you have put some food into is a concave shape. It is a cavity. A concave lens is such that it is thicker at the edges than in the middle. Convex is the bottom of the spoon. A convex lens is thicker in the centre than around the edges.

What type of mirror does a spoon has?

concave food side, convex bottomside

What do you mean by convex mirror and concave mirror?

concave and convex refer to the curve of the mirror. if it is concave, it curves in at the middle, like a 'cave'. if it is convex, it curves out at the middle, like an eye. think of a spoon - one side is convex, the other is concave. this curve will affect the image the mirror shows.

How can you identify a concave mirror and a convex mirror in a stainless steel spoon?

look at it

What is difference between plane mirror and mirror?

A plane mirror is FLAT, whereas mirrors can be also convex (as with the back of a spoon) or concave (as is the case with the inside of a spoon). In other words, mirrors can be CURVED.

What sort of mirror is a tablespoon?

The inside of a spoon is a concave mirror. The outside of a spoon is a convex mirror.In the cartoon, "Rose is Rose", Rose's husband enjoys glimpsing his wife mirrored by a spoon, because she is slender, but he prefers a more zaftig figure.

Is a jeweller's mirror concave or convex?


Is a concave or covect the type of mirror that resembles the inner sufrace of a spoon?

A concave surface is hollow and bends inwards.... think of it as conCAVE.... caves are hollow.A convex surface is like a bump and bends outwards... a convEX bump is on the EXterior of an object

List two uses for concave lens?

Both concave and convex lenses are used in glasses; A microscope, like a reflecting telescope, uses a concave mirror, a plane mirror, and a convex lens; A refracting telescope uses two convex lenses to magnify images in the sky; binoculars use concave lenses to improve detail.

Which mirror is used in solar cooker Concave or convex mirror or concave lens or convex lens?

convex mirror is not used in solar cooker since it form image inside the polished surface

Is a hen decagon concave or convex?

It can be convex or concave.