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That would be "heat",

except that sometimes heat can be quite useful.

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Q: What is the name of the non useful energy?
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Useful and non-useful energy transfers for coal?

Useful: Energy Light Sound Non-Useful: Electricity C02

What are useful and non-useful energy transfers in the production of electricity using coal?

Useful is the actual production of electricity. Non-useful -- unused heat energy released into the environment.

What you is energy that is not useful?

wasted or non-applied energy. Not sure of your question, poorly worded.

What are useful and non-useful energy transfers for wind?

Example: TV. Electricity- Heat, light, sound. Useful energy transfers would be electricity- light, sound because that's what your TV actually needs, but electricity- heat would be wasted energy or a non-useful energy transfer because your TV does not need to produce heat, unless of course you can't afford central heating, but then isn't heating more important than a TV???? Summary: Useful energy transfer: The purpose of the object is fufilled by this transfer. Non-useful energy transfer: The purpose of the object is not fufilled by this transfer, and in effect, this transfer is a "side effect" of the useful energy transfer. These transfers waste energy.

How is wind energy transformed into non-useful energy?

Most of the wind energy will eventually be dissipated by friction (converting it into heat).

Should solar energy be used more often?

not really, because solar energy can be non useful sometimes

Is fossil fuel another name for non-renewable energy?

yes, fossil fuel is another name for non-renewable energy sources.

What is the name of energy amount of useful energy you get from a system?

That may refer to the system's efficiency (which is formally the amount of useful output power divided by the amount of input power).

What would happen to the conservation of energy if electric field were non-conservation?

The known non-conservative forces are force, like friction, where energy gets wasted. This means that useful energy gets converted to unusable energy. You can invent a Universe with non-conservative forces, where you can actually get energy out of nothing, but this is not likely to happen in the real world.

If electrical energy goes into a light bulb what useful energy comes out?

The useful energy that comes out is light energy. Heat energy is also produced but is not useful

Can you name a non-renewable energy source?

CoalOilNatural gas

Name two useful properties of coherent light?

High energy density. Low dispersion.