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A lubricant and sound insulation.

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Q: What is useful in achieving mechanical sound reduction which make less sound for gear?
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Is sound waves mechanical or waves?


Why is sound consider as mechanical form of energy?

Because sound is the movement/vibration of air, which is mechanical motion, involving mechanical energy.

Sound travels in what kind of wave?

Sound is a longitudinal, mechanical wave that requires a medium.

Why are sound waves not considered a mechanical wave?

Mechanical waves are waves that require a medium in which to travel, i.e., a solid or fluid. As sound needs a medium to travel, sound is a mechanical wave.

Can sound enter into a solid or a liquid or a gas?

Yes, it can. In fact, for sound to move through anything, it has to "enter" it. Sound is mechanical energy, and this mechanical energy is transferred into the medium through which the sound is traveling. The medium itself supports the transfer of the (mechanical) energy of sound.

What is useful sound?

sound is music

What is the name of the mechanical wave that sound propagates with?

Sound propagates through a longitudinal wave, a type of mechanical wave.

Why must there be a medium for sound to exist?

Sound is a mechanical wave, and mechanical waves need something to travel through.

Does useful have a long U sound?

Yes. The word "useful" has the long (yoo) sound.

Devices that convert sound energy into mechanical energy?

Sound energy is mechanical energy. No devices are required to make a conversion.

What converts sound waves into mechanical movement?

through mediums ANSWER: A speaker will covert sound waves into mechanical movement. To prove see sound feedback.

Sound waves are examples of what?

sound waves are a example of mechanical waves