

What is vescicles?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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12y ago

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In cell Biology, a vesicle is when the cell membrane folds in on itself, enclosing the item in a sphere. Vesicles are transport and storage structures in a cell's cytoplasm.

Source- science textbook

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12y ago

The vesicles are structures in the cell and helps to transport substances within the cell.

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The cells of an organism have cell organs known as endoplasmic reticulam. These organells produce fats and lipids. Another organell known as ribosome produces protiens. All these nutrients are collected in small bowl like structure known as vescicles which move through a jelly llike substance known as cytoplasm. These vescicles take all the nutrients collected to an organell called the golgi apparatus. This organell biochemically modifies the nutrients and again packs them in vescicles. The vescicles then carry foward these nutrients to another organell known as mitochondria. The mitochondria then turns the biochemically modified fats and lipids into carbohydrates and finally into a energy giving subatance known as ATP. This substance is then supplied throughout the cell by vescicles again. This is how organisms get the energy they need through cell organells.

Which glands add secretions to make semen?

The prostate gland secretes about 30% of the fluid, which mixes with the fluid from the seminal vesicle and the spermatozoa. The spermatic fluid or semen is formed by the secretions of the Testes, Seminal vescicles, Prostate gland and Bulbourethral gland. The sperms are secreted by the testes which pass through the vas deferns to seminal vescicles. The seminal vescicles contibute to about 70% of semen. The prostate gland and bulbourethral gland(Cowper's gland) further contibute to form semen.

What are Tiedemann's bodies?

Tiedemann's bodies and polian vescicles are pouches on the ring canal whose function may be osmoregulation or hydraulic regulation within the water vascular system.

What are the steps in exocytosis?

Step1 vesicles realease ther contents ito thecell's external environment Stept2 the vescicles than move to the cell membrane and fuse it Step3 delivers proteins